Wednesday 24 April 2024

All About the Number 4 in The I Ching, Nine Star Ki, Astrology and DNA Codons

 Four: Influential or opinionated, gentle or forceful like the wind, a storm or a breeze,  tender and affection in social situations, a natural gift for chatter, changing feelings, need to add more depth to the conversation, try to catch the wind, seeds scattered you may want to catch them all, are you being caring or greedy and pleasure seeking. Can respond emotionally, your success comes to you from the help you give others winning over hearts and minds rather than creating great wealth, you want to be well thought of, your like the wind and can change direction in an instant, can someone be too easy going, too adaptable, focus on your own needs once in a while, don't give in to the will of others too easily, give first and don't have expectation of receiving anything in return.

You don't just want people to like you it is imperative. If you find you are attracting situations where people don't like you, you will say I don't care what other people think of me, thats the problem you do. You are a caring person and want to help out whenever you can, do you really care of do you just want people to like you. This is an area that will be of great importance to you. Your like the wind, ever changing direction, bringing warm air, sometimes a decided chill. Your changeable but that need not be a bad thing, stagnation is not for you, you don't sit still long enough to stagnate. Nursing and caring for others, being prepared to sit and have a little chatter with someone when they need it, what's not to like, you go the extra mile. If you scatter seeds to the winds and try to catch them all it will be too much for you choose only those things you can bring to fruition for all the right reasons and you will be fine. If you just want everything and all of it, greed gets in the way. Don't allow yourself to be worn out in your bid to be well liked, make sure it's genuine. Don't do something and then complain about it, it's not real then, put your energy into worthwhile projects. 

The aspect shapes of the number 4 - Alternator (4) - Magician ( 3) - Worker (3) - Lecturer (2)  this is the first time we have seen the Magician and Worker in action. The Alternator dominates followed by Magician and Worker in equal measure with The Lecturer having the least shapes. The magician can certainly pull a rabbit out of the hat when it comes to creating wealth and prosperity and hard work will certainly help with that. The Double crystal has (5) connections to the number 4 with The Diamond ( 2) - 1/1 (1) - 8/4 (2) and the 6/6 (2) so the double dominates here. The musical notes for the number 4 are C D# F F# A A# The missing notes can be found in the pairing of the number 3. Planets associated with the number 4. Jupiter (14) dominates number 4 with Saturn (4) Mercury (1) Mars (1) Venus ( 4) So Jupiter and Venus are the strongest planets. Also associated with Wealth and prosperity. The elements from the DNA Codon letters are C Water (6) - T Fire (6) - G Air/tree (12) and A Earth (12) so below ground energy here with A and G dominating. There are 6 variations of amino acids Glutamine (4) - Arginine (2) - Stop Ochre/Amber/Opal (4) - Tryptophan (2) Glutamine dominates equalled by the Stop signs. They have hydrophobic counts of (2) Hydrophilic (6) Neutral (4) so strongest in Hydrophilic energy. The aspect shapes are made up from the circle as follows trine 120* (2) 60* sextile (2) 150* quincunx (3) Square 90* (2) Opposition 180* (2) . Interestingly the double Ruminator can still be seen in this pattern and yet no Ruminators are used in the number 4 sequences but in sharing lines we get that pattern. Number 4 is associated with the fourth house in astrology which is Cancer and water supports the energy of the number 4. The houses used in the aspect chart are 1 Aries I am - 4 Cancer I feel - 6 Virgo I analyse - 7 Libra I balance - 9 Sagittarius I perceive - 12 Pisces I believe. The empty houses are used in a 3 year by its pairing. 

DNA codons for the 4 year 


Jupiter is the planetary connection with the number 4 ruler of 9th house Sagittarius and twin connection with 12th house Pisces. Jupiter orbits the Earth every 12 years.  Like the 12 animals used in the Chinese version of Astrology. 

Jupiter is associated with growth, expansion, healing prosperity, good fortune and miracles. Long distance travel, big business, religion, higher education and law. Sounding very much like Sagittarius a sign of higher learning. 

Amino Acids Number 4 

Glutamine  - hydrophilic good against the side effects of drugs, prevents weight loss, helps people's bodies when in trauma, useful for ADHD, builds muscle, can be made by glutamic acid, non essential it can be produced by the body, can be used in the treatment of Huntington's Disease, improves immune system in cancer, HIV and burns. Two codons only CAA and CAG. The repeat length of CAG can be a cause of Huntington's Disease. CAA creates The Alternator, CAG creates The Magician. Both found in the Water quadrant of the I Ching. 

Arginine... hydrophilic releases insulin, dietary deficiency can cause hair loss and skin problems. Good levels lowers blood pressure and increases the body's sensitivity to insulin, good for the immune system, for men it maintains sperm mobility and production giving good fertility, good for circulation and blood flow through the body, particularly the reproductive organs. Helps kidneys remove toxins, helps blood vessels relax, improves blood flow to the heart, useful also in erectile dysfunction. There are 6 variations of Arginine, CGC, CGT, CGA, CGG, AGA and AGG. They are found in the Water and Earth quadrants of the I Ching.

Tryptophan  - hydrophobic... depress, anxiety, ADHD, moods, Tourette's syndrome, creates serotonin, I'm 'tryping'. Also used with facial pain (possibly where the phrase face ache came from meaning depressed, cheer up), also used in the treatment of PMDD Pre menstrual dysphoric disorder, promotes calmness, sleep aid, found in Bananas, chocolate, milk, poultry, essential as it can only be found in the diet. Only one codon TGG. You, me and brainwaves. This forms the aspect pattern called The Alternator. This codon appears in the Fire quadrant of the I Ching.

STOP markers...all neutral. First one discovered was Stop Amber TAG 4/9 , the second was Ochre TAA 4/3 and the third TGA 4/7 was Opal which is also an alert codon (all start with the number 4). Stop is a mini death of sorts and some shout four as a warning sign of death on the golf course. It is considered a symbol of death in some countries and not recommended as a house number! Used to mark the points in a string of DNA that stops the production of proteins making amino acids. Hence the name the terminators, you have reached the end of the line, because the stop codons do not create an amino acid they call a stop to protein production. They could be stopped by the buffers at the train station but then the train just reverses out again and reruns its journey. Does a Stop codon go into reverse? TAA, TAG, TGA. TAA creating The Lecturer, TAG The Magician. TGA The Worker. Can be found in the Fire quadrant of the I Ching.

Watch you don’t let Jupiter’s expansion spoil your plans, make them too big and they are doomed to failure, have such big ideas you cannot see them through etc., keep Jupiter contained at times though some people think big and achieve it, not all do. 

The spect shapes of the number 4…

The Alternator...180 x 120 x 60 

This aspect has a back and forward feeling to it, alternating energies, working, playing as long as you finish what you start before you fall back into play you will be able to achieve your goals. The corner where the two lines meet is the outlet for this energy which varies from codon to codon. Work hard and then rest is fine because you know how to generate the work and it must be done before you fall back into easy ways, that's the key to your success as is the outlet or house the blue corner points to. The alternator changes between two contrasting conditions, there is no happy medium here. Find that balance between the two. Only when your engine is running will you be recharging your battery, then you can take that energy and run with it, have fun with it, but you need to return to work and activity in order for those batteries to be recharged once more. Become too laid back and you won’t have the energy to do anything. 

The Worker...

The Worker is also known as the T square three red aspects, busy, busy, busy, tension can become bottled up and will find its release in the corner where the two shorter lines meet or at the right angle. So much active energy it can be difficult to find any peace, you may become overactive, doing something all of the time. There is the potential for ADHD symptoms or similar because of the inability to relax and get some peace and rest. You are hard working though and can achieve a great deal if you don't allow yourself to become burnt out. Find ways to relax, hobbies are often a good release when you are working but it won't feel like it quite so much. The house where the two short red lines meet could be the answer to the release of that energy. Make sure you get physical exercise as well as mental these energies need to be used or they can build up and cause other problems. 

The Magician...150 x 150 x 60 

The magician or projector......the all seeing eye. Imagine the eye at the apex point where two green lines meet looking at what is being played out on the blue screen, can create visionary, imaginative flashes of light, those moments where the light goes on and you can see what is required, they make good storytellers and they have the imagination to see almost anything. Sometimes called The Finger of God because there is a karmic feel to things when suddenly it feels as though your life has been stirred up, when things settle again you can see what direction you should take. Also known as the Blessed in Hebrew. Is the eye showing you your direction in life? See what you can pull out of this magician's hat, Merlin tells us what we believe is true, believe it and it is so. What more could you ask of life than the power of creative visualisation. If it is conceivable in the mind it is possible to manifest. Of course that makes it vital you conceive of positive outcomes.

The Lecturer...90 x 150 x 120 

There are large lessons to be learned in life that come up for you time and again until learned. There is a karmic feel to them and they might seem like hard work but once the lesson sinks in the rewards will be great and definitely worthwhile. Think about what comes up for you time and again and learn to handle it differently. It may well still come up but your way of coping will make all the difference. Lessons of a higher nature perhaps spiritual or connected to law, philosophy, even your in laws. You have the ability to work, rest and play, think, act and manifest. There is much to be gained here if you listen to the lecture. A lesson with a teacher will be easier to learn because the Teacher is in control. In a Lecture the level of work you put in is down to you, you either win or fail. Your choice.

I Ching Hexagrams for the number 4 - Hexagram 46, 18, 48, 57, 32, 50, 28 and 44

All directions are available to the number 4 N/S SE/NW E/W NE/SW Centre S/N NW/SE W/E SW/NE. 

The image of old growth….old wood……ancient beauty.

The colours for number 4 are still green but a much darker shade of green than the number 3. 

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