Friday 26 April 2024

All About the Number 7 in I Ching, Astrology, DNA Codons, Nine Star Ki

Number 7: Charismatic or big spender, a lake attracts wildlife, people are drawn to you, richness and happiness, joy, sociable, good speakers, can be nervous or shy at times, quick witted, can sense what others are thinking, self interest will give you problems and you will only improve your lives once you learn to finish what you have started, realising that fun is fun but it will hold you back if it becomes too much a part of who you are. Enjoy your earnings from your creative nature or spend other people's money and lose that talent forever. Number 7 sounds lucky to me, life can be fun and pleasure filled so long as you know when enough is enough. Shopping trips are fun but make sure you plan your finances well, buying assets like your home, insurances, pensions etc., plan for the future and what is left over you can have fun with.

Aspect shapes for the number 7…

Alternators (4) - Lecturer (4) - Magician (2) - Worker (2) 

Number 7 is connected to the following crystals 6/6 (2) - Double (7) - Diamond (1) 8/4 (1) 1/1 (1) . The musical notes for the year are C# D F F# G# B the missing notes are used during the partner year 8. Venus dominates the number 7 as follows Venus (16) Saturn (4) Mercury (1) Jupiter (2) Mars (1) ..the elements from DNA Letters C Water (6) T Fire (6) G Air/tree (12) A Earth (12) this is an energy that is strongest below Earth dominated jointly by Air/tree and Earth.

Amino acids Asparagine (4) - Serine (2) - Aspartic Acid - (2) Glycine (4) Hydrophobic (0) Hydrophilic (7) Neutral (5) zero hydrophobic other than when neutral so do not like to be on the inside of a string or DNA. The aspect shapes are made up of the following aspects 180* (2) - 150* (3) 120* (2) 90* 3) 60* (2) the 150* aspect dominates as can be seen in the Magicians stretching out across the circle, also known as the Yod or Finger of God. I love the idea of God stirring up my life as I know it will be for the better. Red blue and green here to create a balance of work, rest and play. 

Glycine... Neutral … useful for the treatment of schizophrenia, stroke, and some metabolic disorders, leg ulcers, memory enhancers. Glycine and Proline do not form the same angles as other amino acids, the primary amino acid in sugar cane, sweet, breaks down glucose keeping blood sugars level, regulates synthesis of bile acids to break down fats, acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, found primarily in the spinal cord and brain stem where it acts as a transmitter of nerve impulses, can inhibit neurotransmitters that cause bi-polar disorders, maintains a healthy nervous system and digestive system, also an antioxidant against some cancers, hypoglycaemia, fatigue and anaemia can be helped with Glycine, memory loss and prostate problems can be helped with Glycine, there are four codons GGC, GGT, GGA, GGG. GGT The Alternator, GGG Grand Trine in Air. All appear in the Air/tree quadrant of the I Ching. 

Glutamic Acid - hydrophilic... food flavourings, found in MSG, bonds excess ammonia in the body, gives clarity and mental awareness, non essential can be made in the body, also makes glutamine which prevents weight loss, a brain active neurotransmitter, useful in alcoholism and liver problems, aids in transporting potassium into the spinal fluid and across the blood brain barrier, helps treat personality disorders particular in children and behavioural disorders, helps in creating folic acid, aids in the treatment of epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, ulcers and diabetes, lack of can cause dullness of the brain and insomnia. There are two codons. GAA and GAG both create the Lecturer. Both appear in the Air/tree quadrant of the I Ching.

Asparagine - hydrophilic... maintains cell, nerve and brain functions, detoxes ammonia from the body, helps calm nerves, the liver can create asparagine and helps feed the nervous system, can create emotional balance by not allowing a person to become too sensitive to touch and sound, helps resist fatigue, if the liver does not produce enough it can lead to sudden and painful headaches, an increase in irritability, forgetfulness and even depression, there are just two codons AAC and AAT. Both appear in the Earth quadrant of the I Ching. 

Lysine... hydrophilic... prevention of herpes or cold sores, reduces stress and anxiety if taken in wheat containing Lysine, strengthens the absorption of calcium which helps reduce cold sores, stops the replication of virus cells, essential needs to be taken into the body, there are two codons AAA and AAG. Both appear in the Earth quadrant of the I Ching. 

Aspartic Acid... hydrophilic... found in artificial sweeteners, protects from sports injury, keeps metabolism functioning well. Boosts testosterone which can cause the body to produce Aromatase which converts testosterone to Oestrogen. Strengthens semen in men with fertility problems. Gives improved memory. Affects the production of melatonin from the pineal gland which can suppress it. Affects neurotransmitters found in the pineal, pituitary glands and testicles. Works in the central brain to release hormones it can also build up in the testicles. Two codons GAC and GAT . Houses 3rd , 6th , 9th, 12th. Both create The Worker aspect. Planets associated with the houses are Mercury and Jupiter. Nervous system, intestines, liver, feet. Both appear in the Air/Tree quadrant of the I Ching.

The shapes are Lecturer, Worker, Magician and Alternator.

The Lecturer......someone who gives lectures in higher education, college,University etc., teaching the older generations. Higher learning. 

The Worker....hard worker, often don't always have time for children as they work so hard performing many tasks.......they are determined to achieve their goals and can often work miracles.

The Magician.... a person with magical powers, a conjuror. Like a magic lantern showing photographic slides they project their images. Often receive confidential information and can become part of the process in making big decisions. I wonder if The Looking Glass has similar qualities.....the magic comes in being 'able' to see the future and the past in a positive manner and influence events by using magical or supernatural forces. 

The Alternator.......a dynamo that generates an alternative choice or current. e.g. Petrol or diesel - gas or electricity, medicine or homoeopathy. Or having an alternative view in order to avoid litigation rather than remaining fixed. One of two possibilities are always available here.........they can take turns but they only get two choices and may slip from one to the other when feeling indecisive.

Shapes within the patterns are Magician, Worker, Alternator and Lecturer. It does not make any shapes that are not usual. Sometimes the lines can create a new shape of DNA with the reuse of lines but none appear here. 

Houses 2 Taurus I have - 3 Gemini I think - 6 Virgo I analyse - 7 Libra I balance - 9 Sagittarius I perceive - 12 Pisces I believe. The other empty houses are used during the pairing of number 8 year. 

DNA Codons for the number 7 AAC - AAT - AGC - AGT - GAC - GAT - GGC - GGT appearing in the Earth and Air/tree quadrant. 

Venus is the planet associated with the number 7 and planets are as follows:

7-2 and 7-8 Venus and Saturn

7-1 Venus and Mercury

7-4 and 7-3 Venus and Jupiter

7-9 Venus and Saturn

7-7 and 7-6 Venus and Venus

Venus the planet or beauty, art, creativity, seeking balance and order.

Hexagrams of the I Ching - 19, 41, 60, 61, 54, 38, 58 and 10…

Metal nine star ki energy……all things metal …..

Having a number 7 in my nine star ki month I found selling metal products was most beneficial to me. Jewellery is another good choice for number 7 metal. Interestingly nuts and bolts etc., can show us things for thought such as a screw is threaded all the way up and a nut can be turned to the top but a bolt is only partially threaded so the nut cannot go all the way up. Do others things in life have ways of being that make them different from the norm. X

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