Thursday 4 April 2024

April, 2024 Game of Soloman’s Temple


Todays game of Solomans Temple shows a narrow version. As I am now much better at creating 36 triangles of 4 different colours and letters of DNA A Green - G Yellow - T Orange - C Blue…..I now make the game harder by only allowing myself to use 9 of each of the elements 9 x 4 = 36 in total. I also try to make the shape as contained as possible this one is 16 Triangles along the horizontal and only 4 rows vertically. Five seems to be easiest but I am not trying to find the easiest route anymore much preferring to tighten the game up. Enjoy your thinking. This game shows all 64 codons of DNA in a pattern of 36 - 9 of each element I will keep trying to create a smaller parcel. X 

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