Tuesday 30 April 2024

Relationships between Partner 1 and 9 Nine Star Ki

 The characteristics of the number one are reflective and reactive. Think babbling brooks and tsunamis, never underestimate the qualities of the number one and its ability to change in the blink of an eye. Where did that come from, a common phrase used around number ones. Not to mention yikes what did I say.  Water is one body the world over which is why it is vital we all play our part in keeping it pure. Water retains the memory of all that has gone before. This can apply to your personal life too as keeping a good reputation is very important to you, clean and pure please makes for a happy number one.  Water can be stored beneath the ground and is in the air that we breathe. Up and down actions denote water. The purity of the water we drink is connected to the Earth, porous sandstone for example purifies water as it runs down below ground in vertical rivulets. More solid sandstone and you are flooded by too much rain that cannot be absorbed. So too much or too little water can be problematic. Finding balance in your watery ways is vital. When water comes up against an obstacle in life it finds ways to get around it and little can hold it back when it decides to move. Sexual in nature water loves the closeness of being at one with another human being whilst on the other hand loves the serenity of being alone. It can be dark and secretive which can be attractive or standing alone determined to make themselves heard on an issue they hold dear. So changeable, lively and positive or gloomy and negative. Catch them on a good day and you will not be disappointed. Number one people often advance in life onward and upward to the fame and success of the number 9 but are not afraid to return to zero point and start again if things don’t work out. One energy sits opposite the number 9 energy and they work like a partnership of attraction to each other. They have patience so success comes through their own efforts. 1 and 9 add up to the perfect 10 and when they are balanced meet up in the centre at the number 5.

Number 1 Water supports Air/tree energy and is supported by Metal energy. 

Number nine: Radiant or ostentatious, radiant, hot, fiery, inspirational. Intelligent fame and success, a star is born, passion, desire, self confidence. Famous or famous for being famous, success can come from either but only one of them really has any merit. If you have the potential for fame use it wisely or risk the end result being infamy, being known for something bad rather than good. Don't let ego take over, believe in yourself and your ability not the publicity that surrounds you. Stay grounded and do only that which you would like to be known for. Pride in yourself without becoming a peacock. It's one thing to walk the red carpet, another entirely to strut it. Can take a walk on the dark side from time to time. Fire burns to heal and you can always start again rising phoenix like out of the ashes of your previous mistakes, the brightness of your mind is wonderful but don't let that make you think you can take short cuts because the right path is just that, it’s not the wrong path. Of course fire can also completely destroy something so caution is always required. Fickle behaviours, anger at missed opportunities, impulsiveness, superiority complex none of these things will take you to the peak of success, they will do all they can to spoil it. Be generous, benevolent and kind and the world awaits you. Very powerful.

Number 9 fire supports Earth energy and is supported by air/tree energy. 

We see below the blue support lines and the red more destructive lines. Pluto rules the red lines not because it is death but it is transformation and if you keep your life flowing along nicely then Pluto need not come into play but in life we must not stagnate or Pluto will come along to adapt and change us in ways beyond our control. So stick to the blue lines of Venus and stay in a constant state of creative change and that is called life. 

Aspect Shapes for the Number 1 Year: Alternator 4 - Ruminator  4 - Lecturer 2 - Teacher 3
Here we see that double Ruminator stretching out across the centre although Alternators are strong too the stretcher stands out for me. 

Aspect Shapes for the Number 9 Year: Alternator 4 - Lecturer 2 - Worker 3 - Magician 3 - The Workers T Square and The Magicians Yods stand out for me her I barely notice the Lecturer 

Do we see similarities here… 

Both have 4 Alternators and 2 Lecturers but number one has 3 Ruminators and 3 Teachers whereas 9 has 3 Workers and 3 Magicians. Ruminators and Workers are often seen working well together as do Teachers and Magicians. 

Number 1 houses 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12

    “         9    “      2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11

Music…..1…… C D# F F# G# B     
                                                            Between them all 12 notes of the Octave
Music ….9…… C# D E G A A# 

1 - Hydrophobic 4 - Hydrophilic 6 - Neutral 2

9 - Hydrophobic 0 - Hydrophilic 5 - Neutral 7

One dominates in hydrophilic but phobic is not far behind whereas 9 dominates in hydrophilic with 7 neutrals to balance them out presumably having to find the hydrophobics to even things out. 

Number 1 Mercury dominates 14 - Saturn 3 - Jupiter 2 - Venus 4 - Mars 1

Number 9 Mars dominates 13 - Saturn 4 - Jupiter 4 - Venus 2 - Mercury 1 

Mars and Mercury dominate but are also the smallest count in their opposite number. 

No 1 - Histidine 4 - Arginine 2. - Tyrosine 2 - Cysteine 4 interestingly Histidine, Cysteine and Tyrosine only appear in the number one slot. Arginine also appears in the number 4. 

No 9 Threonine 7 - Isoleucine 1 - Met - Start 1 - Alanine 3. Threonine also appears in the number 3 slot
Met is a 1 off for the number 9 (hence countdown) but could have a connection to Isoleucine because of patterns) Alanine is again shared by 9 and number 3. 

Number 1 DNA Letters C 12 - T 12 - 6 A - 6 G

Number 9 DNA Letters C 7 - T 5 - A 14 - G 10 

Number 1 dominates in Fire and Water so is strongest above the ground and Number 9 dominates in Earth and Air/tree which is below ground.

The Worker and Ruminator seem to partner up as do The Teacher and The Magician….heres how the years 1 and 9 combine in the aspects…

So here we see all the aspects of both years working together each house position 1 to 12 has four lines coming from it. Red, blue and green combined. The following image shows the same map but pointing out the cross over points which are said particularly in the workings of Mercury to store data. 

Red at the centre green and blue also appearing on the centre line from with a minimum of three lines crossing over but also on the red line across the centre. There are more cross over points of Ley Lines if I dare use that phrase in the top half of the circle. On the lines that cross which are combined red and green, blue and green, red and blue, some are red, blue and green cross overs. The red centre line cuts the chart in two with above and below very strong in red and green energies. It reminds me of the circle that you attach a person to and then spin it and throw arrows at it. Yikes busy indeed. 

So 1 and 9 seem to operate as opposites that attract and a 9 year is followed by a 1 year so during that two year period all of this energy is brought out into the world. Lets hope it is not used badly and creating war like aggressive energy because this energy can be calm or chaotic use the energy or it will be used against you. If we create it we should use it. Maybe certain years are for certain energies and this is why in Nine Star Ki there are good times and bad times to do certain things. Like Ecclesiastes warning us to do the right things at the right times in order to be useful and not failing. 

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