Tuesday 16 April 2024

The DNA Game Soloman’s Temple for this week


Todays game of Solomans Temple…………..36 triangles which within the pattern show all 64 Codons of DNA read in any direction. 9 of each of the elements T Fire - C Water - G Air/Tree - A Earth…….a balanced measure of the codons when 9 of each are used although the game can be made up of more of one element than the other and you can still red all codons but its not as neat and orderly as The Universe prefers. 

Here we see another version of the game with 9 of each element. The four corner triangles show the position of the Main Codons or Grand Trines of CCC - TTT - GGG - AAA and the centres are the complimentary opposites. So for every game you set up with balanced elements you could recreate it with its complimentary opposite in each place and still have a game. E.g. C Blue becomes G Air/Tree and T Fire becomes A Earth…………..enjoy your thinking. X 

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