Sunday 21 April 2024

The I Ching Crystals and Making them pair with DNA


We now have the 12 parts of the crystal and could dispose of half of them and still be able to work out what the other 6 would read. The I Ching Crystal works out as above but has some parts of it that do not work but that can be remedied if we flip over half of the crystal were the red lines appear so the top comes to the bottom and so on. Then there are no DNA errors and yet it is clear that the way The I Ching Lines are created is the correct presentation of the crystal. There are 8 variations or alerts in the crystals are all are associated with the nine star ki numbers 3,4,7 and 8 …..1,2,6 and 9 do not create alerts. 

So we see we have to flip the crystal to make all DNA correct but then we have spoiled the opposite jin and jang patterns of opposite lines in the crystal. Jin cancels Jang so infact we end up with a whole lot of nothing. DNA patterns always work once you seek them out but they don’t make understanding them any easier. Enjoy your thinking. X 

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