All Directions point inwards to the centre and 25 and 22 are both centres
Musically the notes are only Fire or Water.
Partnered with 2 is number 6 but I feel it is more partnered with the number 5 and they are years that follow each other. Number 2 seems to stand alone without a partner.
If you take the 2 numbers and the 6 numbers they cancel each other out so once again there is nothing to see here and yet with the number 2 not having a partner perhaps it just turns inwards to reboot before starting again at year number 1. As it puts no energy out only turns in on itself this could well be so it can begin again energised from within before giving birth to a new year.
The number 2 is associated with the Sun area of the chart.
Grand Trines are present here bringing great talent to the 2 year. The only other aspect shape is the Thinker perfect for someone planning the next nine years and putting that plan into action in the 1 year. Perhaps number 2 will think over what it has achieved in the last 9 years and adjust future plans accordingly. Number 2 takes in everything and gives out nothing until the commencement of the following number 1 year. Perhaps that's why they are known to be slow starters. They need so much time for thinking before they act.
2025 is a New 2 Year and we may find ourselves turning inwards and making plans for the next 9 years of our lives, certainly that will be the case for me as a number 1. Have a wonderful new Nine Star Ki number 2 year commencing in February 2025…………make the most of it and make big plans for your future and the future of our planet Earth associated with the number 2 Earth energy.
Happy New Year. X