Friday 26 January 2018

National Lottery UK and Nine Star Ki Part 1

The National lottery began on the 19th November, 1992 and was rolling at 8.10 pm
It has the Nine Star Ki of  8/2/2…….I Ching Hexagram 15…..DNA Codon CCA…
Creates the amino acid Proline…..sits in the South West facing North East… belongs to the Double Crystal….sits in the water quadrant of The Word version of the I Ching…...Musical notes are D# G A …….planets Saturn Saturn…...Aspect shape 120* x 60* x 150* which is the Alternator……
The Alternator can be indecisive or lazy..... decisive and active...... with the ability to achieve .....working or resting, lazy or busy, alternating polar energies that find their outlet in that 8th house of other people’s can afford to work, rest and play when you have a win behind you. This energy has a backwards then forwards feeling to it....alternating energies and you can afford to play and have fun so long as you achieve your goals and see them through to completion, The key to your success lies in the ability to attract to yourself abundance. If you get too lazy your engine won’t recharge your battery and if you overdo things your battery will run down too much so finding a balance point somewhere in the middle is the key. Not too tired, not too active.... just right..... a bit like the three bears, have fun, work hard and rest and you can’t fail to find success. 

The planets for the lottery are Saturn and Saturn which some would think of as a hard task master but for me it is the Star turn of a birth chart you will gleen the most wisdom from this planet. The time keeper associated with youthful skin from the amino acid proline it produces. Think how much time you could spend in the beauty parlour with a lottery win behind you. Saturn though is a serious and responsible planet and is all about long term goals. You must have patience and belief for your plans to come to fruition, don’t change direction midway through. Be security conscious you have access to a lot of money and must find ways to keep it safe. Two Saturn’s means it’s about your past and your future and being guided into place for a new life. Don’t start lots of new projects just because you can see them through once you do start them and then start another afterwards or you could be wasting precious time and money. Look after the Saturnian things in life and it can be plain sailing the most important of those being your own body. Set practical and realistic goals and stay within the laws of society. Be daring and cautious at the same time to protect your future.

CCA is an alternator connected to the Cancer 4th house of Home and family trine to the Scorpio 8th house of other people’s money sextile to Capricorn in the 10th house of social status. The outlet for this triangle is in the Scorpio 8th house which we know is all about the ability to attract others people’s money. Note also that the lottery started on the 19th November, 1992 which is during the Scorpio period with the Nine Star Ki 8/2/2 in the sitting position of the 8th house of Scorpio looking to the North East energy of the unpredictable…...when it began the draw was at 8.10 pm not 8 o,clock or 8.15 but 8.10pm which again puts the start point in the 8th house area.
I think we get the message here that the lottery is all about the attraction of other people’s money. 

See part 2 

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