Saturday 27 January 2018

National Lottery UK Part 3

New Abundance yet to find its balance point

Hexagram 15 and The Lottery…….. Millions of people come together with a small stake in a large collective fund….. scarcity becomes abundance. Amongst those stake holders there is a winner. Once your small stake becomes abundance you have gone from being a part of the scarcity to the abundance. Your role was to attract abundance and now that you have done that in order to keep balance and equilibrium you must now seek out the scarce. If you hold on tight to your money it will dwindle and fade before your eyes. Guilt at buying a new car is futile because in buying a new car your having fun which is what being a winner is all about but you are also creating work for people who work in all the factories associated with making a car. Everything is about exchange in giving your money and taking a car you are creating abundance for others. Building a house creates jobs for the workers and once again you exchange your money for a home. You are a mini stock Xchange. You now have the X factor and can do little X changes of money thus your abundance is now helping those for whom money is still a scarcity. Your money is working well and abundance is alive and dancing beautifully. On the other hand you could build for yourself a counting house and count your money every day where it is doing no good whatsoever. Rather like the story in the Bible 
Matthew 25:29

To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. 
So finding ways to increase your abundance is recommended so long as you are also seeking out ways to help with areas where there is also scarcity. Give and take and balance in all things will keep those scales balanced.

This is the juggling act you will have to be prepared for once you become a winner.... start practicing now what you would do and how you would use your abundance to keep it balanced and harmonious for you and those around you....but above all have fun x 

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