Monday 1 January 2018

NIne Star Ki In 2018 Part 1

February 2018 Nine Star Ki year of number 9 and Month number 5.

The year 2018 starts it’s Nine Star Ki year in the month of February the year will be as follows:

February    9 - 5 - 9    also November
March        9 - 4 - 1    also December
April          9 - 3 - 2    also January
May           9 - 2 - 3
June           9 - 1 - 4
July           9 - 9 - 5
August      9 - 8 - 6
Sept           9 - 7 - 7
Oct            9 - 6 - 8

So the year number remains unchanged the month number is on countdown and the direction or sitting position increases.

These are the patterns of The year 2018 a 9 year starting at 95 and ending in January 2019 at 9/3.
The positions above are the direction this particular set of Nine Star Ki numbers will take.... the shape at the bottom is how it moves down, up to the left back to the right and so on creating his pattern before returning to the start point once more. So each year feels the winds in all directions. July will see a double dose of fire in the North which hopefully will mean it is controlled by the water position it is in. It would appear that the centre number is always pointing in the direction of the double number. In March 9/4 is at the centre and it faces South and the double number 9/9 is also in the south that month and so it goes on the centre number turning to face the double number in any year. It’s a 9 year and the centre wants to make sure it gets the attention it deserves. When 9/4 is at the centre 9/9 appears in the South which is the fire position does that give us 999 which might mean we will need help from fire, or is it happy in its own element.  My own number 1/7 shows the same pattern exists. Double number 1/1 in south west and the centre number 1/7 is facing south west The centre turns to face the double number throughout the year. In this case 1/1 is in the south west and that is Earth so hopefully the water will be kept under control. When 1/1 appears in the North we have 111 happy in its own element or overwhelming us like a tsunami. When 1/1 in in the North 1/6 is at the centre and 6 supports and creates even more water so let’s hope it supports us rather than creating more. That little triangular shape is interesting and remains the same even though they are facing different directions in the bagua.  Happy new year and enjoy your thinking. X

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