Monday 1 January 2018

NIne Star Ki 2018 Part 2

The Double numbers of Nine Star Ki…….another set of numbers that hides within the bagua.....

These double numbers are in their usual position therefore potentially in their element and all seem to be partners with a supporter at the centre.

1/1 is in the North when 1-6 is at the centre and 6 supports and creates the number 1 water element.

2/2 is in the South West when 2/8 is at the centre and 8 supports number 2 and is of the same element of Earth.

3/3 is in the East when 3/1 is at the centre and 1 supports and creates number 3 Tree/air element.

4/4 is in the South East when 4/3 is at the centre and 3 supports and creates 4 Tree/air element.

5/5 is in the centre where it belongs in The Centred Earth energies. Middle earth I suppose you could call it.

6/6 is in the North West when 6/7 is at the centre and 7 supports and creates 6 Metal element.

7/7 is in the West when 7/9 is at the centre and 9 is said to be destructive to 7 Metal but I have to say it does not fit the pattern of destruction I would suggest it is more like an Alchemy between 9 and 7 so 9 is working its magic on number 7 something of the magic of Egypt perhaps as it is associated with the 777.

8/8 is in the North East when 8/2 is at the centre and 2 supports and creates 8 Earth element.

9/9 is in the South when 9/4 is at the centre and 4 supports and creates 9 Fire element.

We can see from the crystal shape below that as you move around the standard pattern with 5 at its centre all the Earth is within the crystal and the numbers move around clockwise to support and create each other or anti-clockwise to give or drain the energy. 9 and 7 are controversial but I still stand by maybe 9 changing 7 for the better making it golden rather than just plain metal. Add number 9 to any combination of numbers and then add those numbers together and you will see 9 changes nothing it lets the other numbers remain the same e.g. 1798 = 25 = 7 or 178 = 16 = 7 there can be seen differences but the final number 7 remains the same……. I think it’s something like that with the 9 and 7 combinations.

1 supports 3...3 supports 4… 4 supports 9… 9 supports 7… 7 supports 6… 6 supports 1.

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