Wednesday 3 January 2018

The Triple Numbers of Nine Star Ki and The IChing Part 4

Triple Numbers in Nine Star Ki.. . . . The 8 Hexagrams - Nine Star Ki Numbers - DNA Codons etc.   that apply to the triple factor.

1/1 is in the 1 North when 1-6 is at the centre creating 111
2/2 is in the South West when 2/8 is at the centre creating 222
3/3 is in the East when 3/1 is at the centre creating 333
4/4 is in the South East when 4/3 is at the centre creating 444
5/5 is in the Centre placing when all the other numbers are in their usual place
6/6 is in the North West when 6/7 is at the centre creating 666
7/7 is in the West when 7/9 is at the centre creating 777
8/8 is in the North East’s when 8/2 is at the centre creating 888
9/9 is in the South when 9/4 is at the centre creating 999

This tells us that 1-6...2-8...3-1...4-3...5-5...6/7...7/9...8/2...9/4 are the most interesting centre numbers ….5/5 will not be counted as The I Ching does not include the number 5 and replaces it with either 8 or 2.

1-6...DNA Codon TGT...produces amino acid Cysteine… Hexagram 6...belongs to the 8/4 crystal...Musical notes C F# G#...Mercury Venus...Aspect shape Alternator 180 x 60 x  120 this is at the centre of a bagua when 111 is in the North

2/8...DNA Codon CCT… produces amino acid proline… Hexagram 23...belongs to the 1/1 crystal… Musical Notes D# G G#... Saturn Saturn...Aspect shape Thinker
120 x 30 x 150 this is at the centre of a bagua when 222 is in the South West

3/1...DNA Codons ATC… produces amino acids Isoleucine… Hexagram 3… belongs to the Double Crystal… Musical notes C# E B ...Jupiter Venus… Aspect shape Teacher 90 x 150 x 60 this is at the centre of a bagua when 333 is in the East

4/3...DNA Codons TAA… produces amino acids STOP Ochre… Hexagram 32...belongs to the Double crystal…. Musical Notes C F A … Jupiter Jupiter… Aspect shape Lecturer 150 x 120 x 90 this is in the centre of a bagua when 444 is in the South East

5/5 all numbers are triples

6/7… DNA Codons GGA… produces amino acid Glycine… Hexagram 43… belongs to the 6/6 crystal… Musical Notes D F# A...Venus Venus… Aspect shape Lecturer...120 x 90  x 150 this is in the centre when 666 is in the North West

7/9...DNA Codons GAT… produces amino acid Aspartic Acid… Hexagram 38… belongs to the 1/1 crystal… Musical notes D F G#... Venus Mars...90 x 90 x 180 aspect shape The Worker this is in he Centre when 777 is in the West

8/2… DNA Codon CCA...produces amino acid Proline… Hexagram 15… belongs to the Double crystal… Musical Notes D# G A… Saturn Saturn… 120 x 60 x 180 aspect shape Alternator this is in the centre when 888 is in the North East

9/4… DNA Codon ATG… produces amino acid MET - Start… Hexagram 37 … belongs to the 1/1 crystal… Musical Notes C# E A#... Mars Jupiter… Aspect shape
90 x 180 x 90 the Worker this is in the centre when 999 is in the South

1/1 in the 1 position creates a great deal of water but in this position it is in its element and 1-6 at the centre means that 6 is helping support and create water so it’s hardly surprising it’s in plentiful supply. Water is in constant motion and must not be allowed to stagnate. It could also be emotions overflowing…..plenty of tears…… a waterfall…. an ocean …… the Hexagram 29 1/1 talks of The Teachings of Danger and 1-6 Hexagram 6 talks of planning ahead…… perhaps if we plan ahead we are more likely to avoid the pitfalls associated with so much water.

2/2 in the 2 position creates a lot of Earth element but in this position it is in its element and with 2/8 at the centre is shows that 8 gives help and support to the number 2. Earth is more solid, dense and fixed than the mutable water element. it could make you rock solid or you may become an obstruction as you are immovable. The Hexagram 2 2/2 talks of making money and Hexagram 23 talks of the potential to lose friends…. perhaps if you are unchanged by making money you need not lose friends but wealth can create division stay in touch with the powerful energy of the Earth and be rich in wealth and friendships.

3/3 in the 3 position creates a lot of Tree/Air energy but it is in its element here and with the 3/1 at the centre the numbers are both supporting and creating more tree energy…..lots of communications here. If communications come with the thunder aspect of the number three then they may be more argumentative than you would like. The Hexagram 51 3/3 talks of shocks and thunderbolts and Hexagram 3 3/1 talks of the spark of life and expansion…. perhaps the shock of the new idea comes to you like a bolt of lightening out of the blue and you you grow from it expanding your world that spark brings something new into the world…… a world full of new ideas can only mean excitement and growth.

4/4 in the 4 position creates a lot of Tree/Air energy but it is in its element here and with the 4/3 at the centre the numbers are both supporting and creating more Tree/Air energy…...a higher level of communication here reach for the sky. The Hexagram 57 4/4 talks of The Seal this is time for your mission to start coming to fruition…. your mission should bring joy and Hexagram 32 4/3 talks of being steady at the helm and staying on course…… your mission has been accepted do not let you oath be diverted along the way.

5/5 has no Hexagram connection other than 2/8 - 8/2 - 8/8 and 2/2 which interestingly all appear in this listing.

6/6 in the 6 position creates a lot of Metal energy but it is in its element in this position with the 6/7 at the centre both numbers are supporting or creating more Metal energy ….a very orderly energy here. The Hexagram number 1 6/6 is all about Primal Fatherly power and creation the power of the Heavens and Hexagram 43 6/7 could be said to be about the Speaking Staff or rod which is raised in the King’s court be aware that truth can be dangerous. Perhaps the Law Courts can be seen in action here. The truth must come out and not be changed to suit others. I have to mention the fact that in the North West sitting position of the 666 it also holds the letters of the alphabet F O X which can be considered sly or underhand it is also the number of the beast and the fox position in the night sky during the flood periods is called a fox, so it’s hardly surprising that 666 doesn’t always get the greatest press. That said I think if we stick to the firm side of the law we should stay on track. Being at 6’s and 7’s is to be in some sort of disorder and disarray which Metal energy is not comfortable with so stay focussed and organised and orderly to keep this energy on the right track.

7/7 I The 7 position creates s lot of Metal energy but it is in its element in this position with the 7/9 at its centre both numbers supporting or creating more Metal energy or as I suspect a change or transformation to the energy as it is. The Hexagram 58 7/7 talks of openings, mouths, vibrations not literally visible but exchanged between two opposing views and Hexagram 38 you can end up looking askance from the passing between you of energies from others, say face to face opposing or not understood views… the energy that passes between two things or two people will be opposing each other face to face and sometimes you will look puzzled because you cannot always understand the vibrations or emotions of others. Metal is a Hyper sensitive energy in the number 7 form so if you choose to lie for example you will get that look because these people will know something is not right here. Perhaps even spiritual energies might apply here.

8/8 in the 8 position creates a lot of Earth energy but it is in its element in this position with the 8/3 at its centre…… The Hexagram 30 8/8 talks of resistance and holding firm, finding your roots and perhaps turning inwards in order to be sure your views are your own and not influenced by those outside….. Hexagram 15 is about allowing others to express their views without wanting to influence their thinking, give and take in conversation for example there is no ‘truth’ just views allow others to express their opinions whilst holding steadfast to your own when the time is right you can act from a rock solid base and be heard. If you put up resistance the devils work can take over, resistance is draining turn inwards and think in this.

9/9 in the 9 position creates a lot of Fire but it is in its element in this position with the 9/4 at its centre which is also associated with MET or the Start button in DNA Codons. The Hexagram 30 9/9 talks of radiance and light, brightness almost like little opportunities flying by like birds and it is up to you to be ready to catch the light, moments in time that may never pass again, be ready…. Hexagram 37 9/4 talks of the family of man, from wind emerges family. Family is held together by economics as much as by love. Together a family runs like a business and each member has its job to do and when they work together well they make for a strong family. The Father leads, the Mother supports him and the children know their place in the hierarchy. When people need each other to survive they form a family like bond. Woe betide the enemy if it threatens a family. So perhaps a family drawn to the light will achieve most of their dreams and will bask in the glow of radiance.

Just a closer look at 16 of the Hexagrams of The I Ching that hide beneath the layers of the bagua we don’t always see. X

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