Tuesday 2 January 2018

Nine Star Ki 2018 Part 3

97 53 75. 92 57 79. 99 55 77
86 18 31. 81 13 35. 88 11 33
42 64 29. 46 68 24. 44 66 22
98 54 76. 96 52 74. 94 59 72
87 19 32. 85 17 39. 83 15 37
43 65 21. 41 63 28. 48 61 26
93 58 71. 91 56 78. 95 51 73
82 14 36. 89 12 34. 84 16 31
47 69 25. 45 67 23. 49 62 29

The map above is based on my Nine Star Ki at the centre of the chart of 1/7 which is a normal bagua. Then the centre numbers of the other areas of the bagua are based on what it would be for the year and month numbers during the rest of that year rather than the normal bagua you would expect. 

The blue lines below show the directions each of those sets of numbers creates and the red lines are drawn from those very blue lines in one continuous line. It would appear that the sardine can opener key is the pattern that all of the Nine Star Ki numbers will create when set up this way....the directions may change but the end pattern remains this key. 

Pattern for each line....I felt they should be sardines to match the key shape....

As you can see my chart is predominantly on the right hand side and the area in the South West dominates hence it also being my Sheng Chi. I should now seek out the qualities of the South West and embrace them. When your chart tells you your a number 1 year number you tend to focus on the water element and your month number is 7 you focus on the metal element but the sitting position of North East facing South West is truly the area of my main focus. Property, land, Mother Earth, Motherhood, Banks etc., all associated with the South West and strangely enough have been the main areas of focus in my life. Motherhood cannot be beaten, and land and property make my heart sing.... banks and finances have been a positive theme in my life until recently so maybe my focus should be on getting that strength back. As a 1 Water and a 7 Metal focussed on the 2 Earth area I can see that I once had a brook that ran through my property and the banks of the river often fell down and I felt it would make them stronger if I built small sandstone walls to hold them up leaving gaps obviously for the wildlife that live in those banks. I never got around to it which is a shame as I wonder had I shored up the banks would I be in a better position now metaphorically speaking. Feng Shui and Nine Star Ki are all about reading the signs and symbols available to you....so seek out your own bagua and just where your own focus should lie and enjoy the elements and making them work for you x

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