As we know by now there are 5 crystals 3 of them containing 12 codons each...1 containing 4 codons. A total of 64 codons ....if I place those codons in a triple circle pattern around 12 sections we get the record of life. This record shows all 64 codons if order The AC to the East starts with AAA IC CCC DC TTT and MC GGG.............the three outer rings come from the 6/6 crystal....the next three rings from the 1/1 crystal... the next six rings from the double crystal and the closest three rings to centre are from the 8/4 crystal. The centre piece of 4 codons comes from the diamond crystal. I feel they work best in these positions but they may well sit with the Heavenly 6/6 closer to the centre...but I am happy with it as it is. We see that the 1st quadrant is Earth green...the second quadrant is blue Water...the third quadrant is Orange Fire....the fourth quadrant is Yellow Air/tree energy. You might be confused to think of it not being in the usual four sections of the elements as below....
This Mondrian version of my Dna codon TGC shows water, fire, air/tree and finally Earth but so to too does the record of life. When the record is placed on the table the record will move around in a direction of ACTG which is of course the same as above. The T dominates above then the G or yellow section of T dominates and then C or the Blue section of G dominates.
The differences between clockwise and anticlockwise action. Are we all just playing our tune. X
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