Sunday 16 May 2021

The Aspect Shapes of The I Ching focussed on The Worker

 Observations.........on The Worker

The Worker is 180 x 90 x 90 which means it is Euclidean, a right angle, isosceles and also a straight line. 180 x 90 x 90 = 360 outer angles and it also contains 180 inner angles. 6 x 3 x 3 = 54 The Worker contains only red lines so this is one busy busy busy triangle with no time to stop and think and no time to relax and imagine. The right angle is in operation here as is the straight line 180* angle which once again means it acts as a cut off from one side to the other e.g. GAT cuts straight through the circle from top to bottom but its smaller angles display in the right hand western side of the chart. 

It contains Nine Star Ki year numbers 4 9. And uses 5 amino acids.....Hexagrams from 22 - 54 very middle of the road.... it contains crystals 1/1 x 4 and 8/4 x 2. Planets 4 x Jupiter...1 x Mercury...3 x Venus... 3 x Mars... 1 x Saturn. Direction lines complete a Bagua of eight sections. 

CGA                TGA Alert            ACG            ATG            GAC            GAT

4/1                    4/7                        9/8                9/4               7/3                7/9

Arginine            Stop                    309            Met - Start    Aspartic        Aspartic

                           Opal                                    Methionine    Acid             Acid

Hex 48                28                        22                37                54                38

NE/SW            SW/NE                NW/SE        N/S                S/N            E/W

1/1                    8/4                        1/1                1/1                8/4            1/1

D# F# A        C F# A                    C# G A#    C# E A#        D F B         D F G#

Jupiter            Jupiter                    Mars            Mars            Venus        Venus

Mercury          Venus                    Saturn          Jupiter        Jupiter          Mars

90/90/180    180/90/90           180/90/90       90/180/90     90/180/90    90/90/180

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