Friday 14 May 2021

The Aspect Shapes of The I Ching focussed on The Grand Trine

Observations on the aspect shapes in The I Ching…

The Grand Trine is both a Euclidean and Equilateral Triangle

It is a triangle of 120 x 120 x 120 degrees the the outer measurement of the triangle with 60 x 60 x 60 to the inner triangle. 

It has a triangle of three equal side lengths. 120 is 4 x 30* of a circle…….therefore the Grand Trine is 120 x 120 x 120 = 360* takes measure of the whole circle or (4 x 30*) 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 same number of DNA Codons in The I Ching. 

The Trines sit in all four corners of the I Ching map based on 28143976.

CCC                GGG                TTT                AAA       

2/2                    6/6                    2/6                 6/2

D# G B         D F# A#        C E G#        C# F A

Proline        Glycine         Phenylalanine    Lysine

Hex 2            Hex 1                Hex 12         Hex 11

Centred    Centred        North/South   South/North

6/6                6/6                        6/6                    6/6

Saturn    Venus    Saturn Venus   

Saturn. Venus Venus                Saturn

All codons belong to the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal and sit at the four cardinal points N.S.E.W. Of this crystal. 

The letters above denote the DNA Codon...the numbers the crystal this codon belongs to ...the musical notes that codon plays...the amino acid it produces...the Hexagram number it refers to ...its position on the direction map ...e.g. 6/6 is the crystal it belongs to...and finally the planets associated with this codon. 

If we take the directions centred and North and South we create a vertical line. 

The four grand trines can be presented on a Christmas Tree as two triangles to the face are a blue triangle C...and a yellow triangle G… to the rear of those triangles are a green triangle A and an orange triangle T... T and A as a pair and C and G as a pair. 

All lines of 120* produce blue harmonious energy.

This pattern is how they appear when you place all 64 codons on the branches of a Christmas Tree so you might think T would have A behind it but infact they work together as above. I hope this helps clarify some of the things about the Grand Trine in DNA Codons and The I Ching. X

The Grand Trines are used in so many images 

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