Saturday 15 May 2021

The Aspect Shapes of The I Ching focussed on The Alternator

Observations on the aspect shapes in The I Ching…

The Alternator Aspect Shape is Euclidean and a straight Angle (180) 180 X x 120 x 60 and its variations. Also Scalene having three lines of different lengths.

The triangles are a variation on 180 x 120 x 60 and the outer measurements are 360 with inners of 180. The triangles measures are such .....

180 (6) x 120 (4) x 60 (2) = 360* or 6 x 4 x 2 = 48

The Alternator is associated with Nine Star Ki year numbers 8 - 1 - 4 - 3 - 9 - 7 twice.

The Alternator appears in the two columns down the left and right hand side of the I Ching.......excluding the four Grand Trines at the corners. They all play musically in harmony and can be used to raise of lower other DNA codons musical notes by half a tone in order to find balance and harmony. All the DNA Codons of The Alternator play harmonious sounds. These two columns are associated with the vertical 2 and vertical 6 lines.

Are they also connected to the Twin Columns of The Masonic Lodge. ?

CCA             CAC            CAA            ACC            ACA            AAC

8-2                1-2              4-2               3-2             9-2             7-2

Proline        Histidine        Glutamine    309            309            Asparagine

Hex 16            7                46                24                36                19

SW/NE       SE/NW            W/E            NW/SE        E/W            N/S

Double           8/4             Double            6/6            8/4            6/6

D# G A        D# F B          D# F A        C# G B        C# G A     C# F B

Saturn        Mercury        Jupiter        Jupiter        Mars     Venus

Saturn        Saturn        Saturn        Saturn         Saturn       Saturn

120/60/180 60/180/120 60/120/180 180/120/60 180/60/120 120/180/60

        *                                                                        N                    N

TTG            TGT            TGG            GTT            GTG            GGT

8-6            1-6                4-6            3-6             9-6            7-6

Leucine        Cysteine    Tryptophan Valine         Valine          Glycine

Hex 33        6                    44            25                13                10

W/E            S/N                E/W         SW/NE        NE/SW        NW/SE

6/6             8/4                6/6            Double        8/4                Double

C E A#        C F# G#       C F# A#    D E G#        D E A#        D F# G#

Saturn        Mercury        Jupiter        Jupiter        Mars            Venus

Venus        Venus            Venus        Venus        Venus            Venus

120/180/60 180/60/120 60/120/180 60/120/180. 60/180/120. 120/60/180

*                 *                    *                   *                *                    N

6 Hydrophobic - 3 Neutral - 3 Hydrophilic

There are 12 Alternators in all with ten variations of Amino Acids.

Three lines - One red active - two blue harmonious but less active......sometimes being laid back and harmonious can mean not enough effort is made and you can alternate between activity and rest ....not a problem if there is enough of both. Another observation is the 180* line or straight angle which means it cuts the circle in half and the blue lines can only be on one side of the line does this focus more on the West than the East or South rather than North..............

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