Thursday 20 May 2021

The Pairing of Hexagrams in The I Ching


This is a Hexagram pairing 47 and 48 of The I Ching......TGC with CGA above they both belong to the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal.......and sit opposite each other in the 3rd and 5th house positions. If I use the I Ching in its usual format T become A at the top and C & G do not change this is a diagonal change.

So TGC becomes CGA with diagonal changes and creates a sextile pattern on the hexagram. If we take the ALERT version of changing bottom and top we would still have TGC at the bottom but the top would become AGC. This also works if you flip the top over from right to left. AGC is also compatible with 1/7.

This would change the hexagrams matching from diagonal to vertical.............I wonder if when DNA changes a T to an A in an error code like sickle cell anaemia does it have a connection to vertical versus diagonal. To be continued on next page. X

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