Friday 19 July 2024

Soloman’s Temple in a Game of 34 DNA Codons


Here we have Soloman’s Temple for the day showing only 34Triangles and beautifully created by my son whose skills are definitely required for me. Without a doubt now 34 triangles have been created many times which surprises me as it has been 10 years of the game made up from 36 triangles so no one is more surprised than me to find it can be reduced. Maybe in 2035 I will get it down to 32 who knows. Enjoy your thinking. X 

Monday 15 July 2024

Soloman’s Temple of 34 Triangles and its lack of Elements


As we know by now the game Soloman’s Temple has been played with a minimum of 36 triangles for many years as I thought that was the least pattern you could create which still showed all 64 codons within the pattern. Now I realise 34 will also show all 64 codons but it does mean instead of the balanced elements of 9 each water, air, earth and fire we now have an imbalance.

The top image shows T Fire and G Air/Tree both have only 8 triangles which means the shape is correct but lacks Fire and Air/tree and that Water and Earth dominate with 9 triangles each. It shows something is not as balanced as it could be with the 36 triangles of 9 of each of the elements. You can still create the pattern with 40 or more triangles but they show excess whereas although 34 is correct is definitely shows a lack in this image of Fire and Air/tree.

This one below has 34 triangles and does create all 64 codons of DNA but it too shows lack of elements…


Here the lack is G Air/tree and T Fire once again………two successes does not make it correct to assume that all 34 triangles of Soloman’s Temples will show a lack of Fire and Air……..are they less important in the making of proteins or amino acids……..time will tell creating a 34 in itself is difficult but I will keep chipping away and see if I can create another pattern which shows a lack of Water and Earth. Watch this space. X 

Sunday 14 July 2024

How to Make a Crystal in DNA I Ching patterns

Lets take a look at the simplest of the I Ching Crystals. The first image is CTGA as it moves around clockwise or anticlockwise depending on what it wants to achieve but this is the starting point for building up a crystal which contains in this instance 12 DNA Codons... C Blue Water - Orange T Fire - Yellow G Tree/Air - Green A Earth. 

To create a crystal you take any codon but for this purpose I am starting with the very first Hexagram 1 GGG as its the easiest crystal so I don’t want to make it any more complex than it needs to be. So we start at GGG then we rest another codon on top of it by reproducing the last two letters GG and then a bit like knitting take the first letter and pull it to the end of the second codon and then you move one position clockwise around the above pattern so end up with GGA. The last two of this codon are GA and again take the first letter G and drag it to the end of the third codon and you get GAA…..once more and AAA and so on until you have created 12 codons and if you try to continue you just end up creating the first one again GGG. So a crystal is complete without recreating the 13 as a repeat. This pattern can be seen below. 

This crystal is called the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal starting at GGG ending on TGG 12 codons completes the crystal. It reminds me of Mr Universes arm stretchers. 

This image shows another way to show the crystal and the shape shows us why it got the name crystal. GGG is at the top or peak and CCC is at the bottom or base. With DNA Crystals we do not swop T for A and C for G the way we do in Codons with crystals if the letter C or G is in a codon they do not change but T would become A and vice versa. So we see above it starts on the left with A green which on the right becomes T Orange but the blues and yellows remain unchanged. 

1/1 CGC - 9/9 GCG is the second crystal and you can make that yourself very easily now you know how to create the codons…..I believe these two crystals have a relationship……..6/6 - 2/2 being much simpler and 1/1 - 9/9 more chaotic. 

Then we have a crystal that definitely shares a partnership as it works best when together I call this the double crystal containing 24 codons in total 6/4 AGG - 2/3 TCC …….7/6 GGT - 8/2 CCA.

The next crystal would be the 8/4 CTG - 7/3 GAC which partners with a smaller codon called The Diamond codon. 

The diamond contains only four codons before it repeat 4/8 CAG - 7/4 AGT - 3/7 GTC - 8/3 TCA 

So thats all 6 crystals which contains all 64 codons of DNA. 

Just to make things a little more difficult if you take the right hand side of the crystal above and flip it over you will find that then it does work like DNA does and T becomes A - C becomes G and all is well with the world. Quite why the flip has to occur to get the correct DNA Letters I do not know. Yet. Lol Enjoy your thinking. X 

Monday 8 July 2024

Last few Images to get you Thinking.

 Ludo of life………instead of each section being fully one colour in this each holds its own corner, snakes and ladders is another game clearly made by playing around with the I Ching…….so simple once you know. 

This image is The Popes Fish Hat showing the rising numbers of Nine Star Ki sitting opposite their pairing number 2 with 6…8 with 7… 1 with 9… 4 with 3……they flow up each side in Jin and Jang ways and once they reach the top the come down again on the opposite side of the inside of the hat in reverse order. Number really do reign down on us don’t they? 

Finally this is the record of life showing the colours separately you can see they all pretty much make the same pattern but from their own corner of the elements of DNA CTAG. They can then come together in the centre and create the record of life. X 

A few more Images to think about

Here we have the I Ching The Word 28143976 showing the Hexagram Numbers and the Nine Stat Ki numbers. 

 Here we have the DNA Codons as Colours C Water Blue…T Fire Orange… G Air/Tree Yellow and A Earth Green……….The first letter of the DNA Codon is large second medium and third small.
Below please find my introduction card I am in the largest T Fire section in its bottom right G Air/tree section and in the C water section for the smallest square. TGC x

Soloman’s Temple for 2024 has now been reduced to just 34 Triangles


Here we see the game Soloman’s Temple where we can take triangles and make them into DNA Codons which can be read from any direction and create ALL 64 codons of DNA within a pattern of 36 triangles. Now we can see from above that I have now managed after 12 years to achieve the same thing but with only 34 triangles. I was so convinced it would never be able to make all 64 codons in less than 36 triangles and it did not happen until very recently that I created a game with only 34. I have checked it over and over again and it is correct. DNA I Ching Crystals contained 12 codons or 36 letters of DNA to create and finish a crystal so it seemed likely 36 was the number that would never reduce but I was wrong so now Soloman’s Temple can be played using only 34 triangles. It means two are missing to form a balance of 9 of each element but no matter it is possible with an uneven number of elements……I wonder what effect that might have on the object created. Enjoy your thinking. X 

A Few Images that May be Useful to You


This is a Bagua of 729 squares or 27 x 27 cubes………..based on number 7 at the centre and a different colour for each of the 9 numbers………….making anyone making an embroideries life easier.

Below we have the Record of Life which shows how The I Ching Crystals sit in the circle of life. 6 crystals 3 with 12 codons in each a double with 24 codons and a diamond centre crystal which contains only 4 codons. 64 Codons in all sitting in a circle of 12 houses. The needle sets down on the Green A Earth in the east of a chart of ascendant. The arm sits still but the record goes around in a clockwise direction coming to C Blue Water next, then Orange T Fire and finally G Yellow Air/Tree before returning once more to the A Green Earth my own TGC can be found in the third house associated with Gemini and communications. 

This image is an I Ching The Word map of 28143976…….showing the I Ching number positions, the DNA Codon, the Aspect Shape and finally the Amino Acid associated with each position.