Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Atoms in The Elements of DNA Weighing 44

Connected only to the houses 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12 in Astrology. 

Atom Weight of 44 in The I Ching

Nine Star Ki DNA Codon Amino Acid Hex Direction

8/4 * N         CTG Leucine         53 S/North

7/3         GAC Aspartic Acid  54 S/North

9/3 * N         GCA Alanine         55 SW/NE

8/9         TCG Serine 56 SE/NW

1/4         CGT Arginine         59 SW/NE

7/1         AGC Serine 60 SW/NE

1/7 *         TGC Cysteine         47 NE/SW

4/1         CGA Arginine     48 NE/SW

3/9 *         GCT Valine 21 NE/SW

9/8 N         ACG Threonine 22 NW/SE

3/7 *         GTC Valine 17 N/South

4/8         CAG Glutamine 18 N/South

Those marked * are hydrophobic unmarked are Hydrophilic 

N are Neutral.

Amino acids being created here…..Leucine 1…Aspartic Acid 1…Alanine1…Serine 2…Arginine 2…Cysteine 1…Valine 2…Threonine 1…Glutamine 1

Jupiter dominates here with 8 markers…Mercury comes second with 6…Venus and Saturn have 4 markers each and finally the least is Mars. So Air/Tree dominates - Water Second - Venus and Saturn share third position and the least present is Mars.  Tree, metal, earth, water and fire are present but not in equal measure. 

Nine Star ki numbers 1. 3. 4. 7. 8 and 9. There are no 5’s but we know that neither are there any 2’s or 6’s. They can be found in the 1/1…8/4…Double…Diamond crystals but not the first crystal 6/6 - 2/2.

Musically they are represented by the notes D D# E F A# B. The pattern created is one of 30* - 90* - 150* aspects so one red square 90* one green quincunx 150* and 4 30* aspects. 

Note that the hexagram numbers all partner with another 17 with 18 etc., the Hexagrams create different letters to the DNA Codons we know. Again that is another way for them to connect to each other. 

To create the pairings of I Ching Crystal Hexagrams it works as seen…..

AGC becomes GCA


Hex 21/22 Hex 21/55 …..all three moving South West to North East One Direction




Hex 53/54 Hex 53/18 …..53/54 moving South to North 18 moving N/South two

                                                                Directions one line



Hex 55/56 Hex 55/47… 56 SE/NW…55 SW/NE… 47 NE/SW three directions 

                                                              On two different lines



Hex 17/18 Hex 17/54… 17/18 Moving North/South…54 moving S/North two

                                                              Directions one line 



Hex 47/48 Hex 47/55…47/48 Moving NE/SW … 55 moving SW/NE two directions

                                                                One line 



Hex 21/22 Hex 21/60 … 21 NE/SW… 22 NW/SE… 60 SW/NE…three different directions                                                                     on two lines 

So there are shared patterns amongst them and they all have 44 atoms in weight. 

We see from the image that they appear to create 3 sets of 4 codons each and yet they reach into each other's sets to pair up with both Codons and Hexagrams. 

So here we have more data specifically connected to the atom weight of 44………..more weights to follow lets see if they create similar connections. 

Play with it some more and the following connections can be made…..and all of them found in the weight of 44 atoms……..

AGC - CGT - ACG - GCA - ACG - TGC = 6

GAC - CAG - CTG - GTC = 4

TCG - TGC - GCA - ACG - GCT - CGT = 6

CAG - GAC - GTC - CTG = 4

CGA - AGC - GCA - CGA - GCT - TCG = 6

ACG - AGC - GCA - CGA - GCT - TCG = 6

So what do we make of all this data……..make of it what you will. Enjoy x 

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