Friday, 7 March 2025

Atom Weights of 45 and 42 as Partnerships


Atom Weights 45…

2/6 TTT Phenylalanine *         12 N/S

8/7 TTA Leucine *         31 NW/SE

1/9 TAT Tyrosine * N         64 NW/SE

4/3 TAA Stop Ochre N 32 NW/SE

4/4 CGG Arginine Alert 57 Centred - Partners with 58 in same 45 section 

3/4 ATT Isoleucine * 42 SE/NW

9/1 ATA Isoleucine * N 63 SE/NW

7/8 AAT Asparagine 41 SE/NW

6/2 AAA Lysine 11 S/N

9/9 GCG Alanine *         30 Centred - Partners with 29 in opposite 42 section 

7/7 GGC Glycine.  N Alert    58    Centred - Partners with 57 in same 45 section 

Venus and Jupiter share dominance with 6 of each… Mars and Saturn share 4… Mercury with 2. 

Musical notes played C C# D D# E F F# G# A A# B - 11 notes

only lacks G

Amino Acids Isoleucine has the most at 2 so wouldn’t say it dominates then we have Phenylalanine, Leucine, Tyrosine, STOP Ochre, Arginine, Asparagine, Lysine, Alanine and Glycine. 

Hex pairs here are 11/12 - 31/32 - 63/64 - 41/42 -57/58 but Hex 29 belongs to the weight 42 but pairs with this hexagram 30 which is 45. 

3 @ 42

8/8 CCG Proline *Alert     52 Centred -Partners with 51 in same 42 section

1/1 CGC Arginine                     29 Centred 

3/3 GCC Alanine * N Alert             51 Centred - Partners with 52 in same 42 section 

Equal amounts with 2 Saturn - 2 Mercury - 2 Jupiter

Musical notes D D# F# G A# B only 6 notes

Amino Acids Proline - Arginine - Alanine 1 of each

Hex pairs 51/52  and Hex 29 pairing with Hex 30 9/9 in the 45 weights. 

Now that strange thing we saw in the last listing lets look at 42 first…..we have two at 42 with one not pairing here but if we bring over the 45 9/9 Hex 30 we then could be said to have

42 + 42 + 45 + 45 = 174 Yes that works

That would mean leaving the 45 as only 10 x 45 = 450  but if we take away two 45’s we get 360 or if we take 450 + 45 + 45 we get 534 so its not playing ball with that pattern here. So lets play with it…….

11 x 45 = 495 plus 45 = 540

10 x 45 = 450 plus 42 = 492

10 x 45 plus 2 x 45 = 582 (yes that works as 5 plays the role of 2) 

Therefore this pattern only works when we either move a hex to the other side to partner up hence increases its weight but not when removing it altogether. Hmmmm maybe the 147, 258, 369 has no bearing on this partnership but it still draws my attention. 

Enjoy your thinking. 

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