Friday, 7 March 2025

Atom Weights of 41 and 47 as Partnerships

Atom Weights 41- * Hydrophobic - Hydrophilic - Neutral 

Nine Star Codon Amino Acid Hex Directions 

2/8 CCT *     “         23 NE/SW

2/1 CTC * Leucine     8 NW/SE

2/3 TCC Serine 16 SE/NW

8/2 CCA * Proline 15 SW/NE

8/8 CCG *     “         52 Centred

1/2 CAC Histidine         7 SE/NW

3/2 ACC Threonine 24 NW/SE

3/3 Alert GCC* Alanine         51 Centred

Musical notes connected with 41….C C# (D) D# F F# G G# A# B Extra D now added. 

Amino acids 3 x Proline which dominates and one of each of Leucine, Serine, Histidine, Arginine, Threonine. (& Alanine)

Planets 10 Saturn the dominant 4 Mercury and 2 Jupiter. Now becomes 4 Jupiter. 

Three of the above partner with each other Hex 23/4 - Hex 7/8 -

Hex 15/16 the remaining Hexagrams partner in the 47 batch. Now its 4 as Hex 51/52 now pair up. 

Atom Weights 47 - 

4/6 TGG * Tryptophan 44 E/W

9/9 GCG * Alanine 30 Centred

9/6 GTG * Valine 13 W/E

7/7 GGC Glycine 58 Centred

This Codon is an ALERT in The I Ching Hexagrams

7/6 GGT Glycine 10 NW/SE

6/4 AGG Arginine 9 W/E

6/9 GAG Glutamic Acid 14 SW/NE

6/7 GGA Glycine 43 SE/NW

Musical notes connected to 47… C C# D F F# A A# B(No longer has B)

Amino Acids 3 x Glycine the dominant - 1 of each Arginine, Tryptophan, Alanine, Glutamic Acid, Valine.(Glycine now only 2)

Planets Venus 10 the dominant - 4 x Mars - 2 x Jupiter.(Venus now becomes just 8) 

Three of the above partner with each other Hex 43/44 - Hex 13/14 - Hex 9/10 the remaining Hexagrams partner in the 41 batch. Now we remove Hex 58 altogether. 

8/8 CCG Proline Hex 52 Centred  41 Atoms * and Neutral should have found its partner in the opposite side of 47 atoms 7/7 GGC Glycine Hex 58 Centred but they do not match with Hex numbers.

So we have here two Hexagrams that should partner but don’t and in atom weights 41 8/8 CCA would in The I Ching Hexagrams find its partner in 3/3 GCC Hex 51 and if they did indeed partner up hex 51 has an atom weight of 41 not 47. 

By  swapping one Hexagram 7/7 for another 3/3 we also change the Musical notes for 41 because it adds another note D and the musical notes for atomic weight 47 also change because we lose note B. So now Weight 41 has 10 musical notes but weight 47 has only 7 not playing as many tunes with this weight. 

I have added to the list in red the new codon that should be with the list of 41.

So the reality here could be two codons that are just lost in space for want of finding a partner they can match up with. By finding its partner of the same weight it is happy so when we do the next list of weights will we find 7/7 happily hiding amongst them. 7/7 GGC actually weighs so we will find it in that set of 11 @ 45. 

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