Thursday, 13 March 2025

Reading DNA from I Ching Crystals Compared with DNA Codons

 We know how the crystals of The I Ching work and that we have to turn half of the crystal upside down in order to make them fit the actual DNA Codon that it works with. That said this map shows how varying ways codons can connect with each other the sample given is the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal ………..if we turn ACG - TAC - ATA - GAT - CGA upside down we then have the paired up codons of DNA. So looking into the relationships they have with other codons may glean us some sort of information that is useful to us.        

 CGC 1/1                 GCG 9/9

Arginine 29             Alanine 30

GCT 3/9 ACG 9/8

21 Alanine 22 Threonine

CTA 8/1 TAC 1/3

39 Leucine 40 Tyrosine

TAT 1/9 ATA 9/1

64 Tyrosine 63 Isoleucine

ATG 9/4 GAT 7/9

37 Methionine 38 Aspartic Acid

TGC 1/7 CGA 4/1

47 Cysteine 48 Arginine

C G Can be read up or

G C 29/30 down and doesn’t

C G change.

T A A Read T   Read

C C 21/22 G      Up          G.  Down

G G C     Hex 48 C   Hex 47 

A T T  Read up A   Read

T A 39/40 A  Hex 38 T   Down

C C G         G   Hex 37

T A Can be read up or 

A T 63/64 down and doesn’t

T A change. 

G T C Read A Read

T A 37/38 A Up T Up

A G T Hex 40   C Hex 39

C C G Read         G Read

G G 47/48 C up C Down 

T A A Hex 22 T Hex 21

Marked up here to show connections more quickly….

Lets take the red markers TGC pairs with CGA being hexagrams 47/48…they relate to GCT and ACG hexagrams 21/22 or all four corners (the top two are in the peaks) Making aspects of 60* top and bottom and 120* at the sides with the diagonals 150* 

Purple markers ATG and GAT hexagrams 37/38……relate to CTA and TAC Hexagrams 39/40…. Aspects created 120* and 60* and again 150* in the diagonals. 

The cross formed by the peaks do not relate to each other but create 180* and 90* aspects. 

Example TGC pairs in TIC with CGA TGC read bottom to top and CGA is read from top to bottom but if I read a string of DNA it would be TGC read bottom to top with ACG also read bottom to top……..

Ladder of DNA….



G C Notice that GCT and its diagonal opposite CGA

Are now both read from the bottom up.


T A - - - - CTA - - “ - - - GAT- - - -



A T No change here anyway as they read the same 

T A in either direction. 


T A Notice that ATG and its diagonal opposite TAC

A T are both now read from the bottom up. 


G C - - - - TGC - - - “ - - - ACG - - - -


So I guess we have proved here that DNA is read on the ladder from bottom upwards and it creates the varying amino acids they make…….but if I read up the left hand side TGC I create Cysteine and yet if I read up the right hand side of the ladder I will create Threonine. Do cysteine and 309 combine to make a new variation on the theme or what determines which side of the ladder I should read……if you say always read LH side first what of the DNA when it is at a point that twists which then makes the RH side the LH side………..confusing of course it is its DNA. It does have a habit of addling the brain. If anyone knows the answer to this question do let me know.

Finally relations to atoms weights…

Red…..TIC 21/22 both 44 - 47/48 both 46 so same in The I Ching rather than in DNA Codons

Purple….. TIC 37/38 both 46 - 39/40 both 43 so same in The I Ching rather than in DNA Codons

Green…..Horizontal 63/64 both 45 and the same in DNA and TIC - Green…..Vertical 29/30 not the same CGC 29 weighs 42

And GCG 30 Weighs 30…… this particular pairing do not have a match in weight. 

Enjoy your thinking x  

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