The Atom Weights of DNA Codons ….
Atom weight of 44 there are 12 codons and they create 6 pairs.
Atom weight of 41 there are 8 codons and they create 4 pairs.
Atom weight of 47 there are 8 codons and they create 4 pairs.
Atom weight of 45 there are 11 codons and 10 of them create 5 pairs in 45 leaving one 9/9 - GCG Hex 30 which pairs with 1/1 CGC Hex 29 in 42’s.
Atom weight of 42 there are 3 codons 2 of them pair up and the 1/1 pairs with one of the 45’s.
Atom weights 39 and 48 have only one of each codon and they pair with each other.
Atom weights of 43 there are 10 codons and they create 5 pairs two of which pair with codons in 46.
Atom weight 46 there are 10 codons and they create 5 pairs two of which pair with codons in 43.
64 Codons in all which show that somehow the weight of the elements have a connection to the Hexagrams and their partnerships.
Shapes of the musical notes used in each number count are as follows.
So here we see how much of the circle or houses the musical notes of each Atom weight set covers.
There is no atom weight of 40 as it could not compute for three letters.
C - 13 T - 15 G - 16 A - 15 ………
39 and 48 have only one codon each and they create grand trines in Water C and Air/Tree G Houses 3,4,7,8,11 and 12 connect here but have no connection to the first, second, 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th houses.The aspects around the outside are Red and green. I guess this could be said to be a Metronome.
44 - has 12 codons but musically cover only 6 notes…houses 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12 with red and green aspects only dominate here. There is no connection to the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses.
41 and 47… they have 8 codons each and cover all houses with the exception of the 5th house. The aspects around the outside are green and blue.
42 and 46… another one similar to 41/47 where all houses are covered with the exception of the 8th house. The aspect colours are green and blue.
43 and 46… in this set there are 3 60* aspects in blue and the others are 30* aspects in green. All houses covered except 3rd, 7th and 11th.
So if I look at the lower three shapes 41/47 has the most coverage of all weights with 42/45 and 42/46 having the most coverage.
39/48 and 44 all have only 6 points of connection 39/48 is made up of Grand Trines so has something special going on for it whereas my own 44 is a bit like a hand held fan opened out. It covers only half the houses and has red and green energy active within it so it is always on the go something to do. Whilst it may mean I have less connections perhaps I can specialise in things because of it.
44 aspects around the outside and within show various colours…….
So when all six points share aspect lines we have a more colourful version of reds, greens and blues so plenty of energy for me to be getting on with things. We also see that magical double Ruminator in here one of my favourite patterns to show up. Enjoy your thinking and remember we appear to attract someone of the same weight in atoms so we are never punching above our weight after all. X
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