Monday, 20 October 2014

Variations on a Theme of 64 Hexagrams 32 visible - 32 invisible

Each lower portion of a Hexagram has an odd number and a plus or positive face to it and the top of the Hexagram is a minus or even number. The face of the Hexagram is visible and can show you (or make visible) the back of the cube which is in shadow/invisible by using a formula.

So the visible face of the Hexagram cube also tells us what the rear face would show us if it were not invisible to us. For example a GGG cube would have CCC on its rear invisible side.

Each face of a cube shows its opposite to the rear. So GGG would show CCC........every G to the face gives a C to the rear, every T gives an A and vice versa. There is always an invisible match to our visible somewhere.

When you note the alerts they do not conform. In science the things that do not conform can tell us so much more if we can only work our the whys and the wherefores. Observations that don't quite fit tell us that something in our theory is wrong...........theory hides the word we need to seek the other side of this theory and find out why not everything conforms.

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