Saturday 15 June 2024

Nine Star Ki Data for July, 2024


Here we see the energy created in a three years month of July…… this case July, 2024 but any 3/9 year throughout the ages. So 3/9 Nine Star Ki is the centre energy hidden away at the centre of the chart recharging its batteries. 3/9 Nine Star Ki is the DNA Codon GCT, Hexagram 21, creates the amino acid Alanine, the Ruminator aspect shape and takes the direction from North East to South West. 

Collectively the whole number 3 year creates musically C# D E G G# B…….those of a musical incline could create some pretty music appropriate for the year. 3/9 also creates the solfeggio music of 396 so for this month you could concentrate your meditations on 396 solfeggio but next month that will change. 

DNA Codons letters added together for each month of the year to find a dominant element show for this month 14 C Water is the most dominant  with T Fire close behind so both of these elements are above ground and therefore are paramount in the chart horizontally although vertically C Water 14 and A Earth 7 are also stronger than fire and air. So purgin of the earth will go on this month but it is in the rewards from Heaven coming down to us that we see the best of the month as it brings forth all the best it can from the Heavens. 

A number 3 year is all about Jupiter so fill those lungs and expand whilst the opportunity presents itself. 

Threonine is the most prolific amino acid this month so what might that be about…

Threonine... Neutral … used for nervous system, spinal disorders, MS, creates glycine and helps with unwanted muscle contractions. Changed in the body to a chemical called Glycine, used to treat nervous disorders, spinal spasticity, multiple sclerosis, it reduces muscle spasms, needed for healthy bones and teeth, essential as it cannot be made by the body, helps with antibodies in immune system problems, helps the body synthesise Glycine and Serine which are vital to many bodily functions, in excess can cause liver problems and a buildup of ammonia toxicity in the body. 

Look after your health and book an appointment with your dentist there is never a better time….solfeggio 396 is about releasing our fears and living a more comfortable life maybe threonine could help with that. We also see here that the majority of the DNA Codons are hydrophobic with some being neutral so could be either phobic or philic. So a relatively introverted month. The red line denotes the direction of the energy of each codon. Alternators and Lecturers dominate here with some rumination and teaching thrown in. So intelligence can be seen here. If of course our nervous system is balanced. Some months are repeated but use the same data and the month number 5 is changed to a number 2. So a fair bit of data for you to decide what you might do using the energies available to you next month. Enjoy your thinking because July 3/9 is a good time for it. X 

Listening to Music tuned to 396 Hz helps remove subconscious fears, worries, and anxiety. It also helps to eliminate feelings of guilt and subconscious negative beliefs blocking the path to achieving personal goals.

Listening to music tuned to this frequency is most helpful when you want to feel more uplifted, secure, and give power to your goals and dreams.

 tuned to this frequency is most helpful when you want to feel more uplifted, secure, and give power to your goals and dreams.

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