Wednesday 1 January 2014

Map 802 Birthcharts built from DNA and Nine Star Ki

Perhaps the five variations of crystals give us five variations of man. The 6/6 crystal, the 1/1, 8/4, the double largest crystal and finally the diamond smallest crystal. 6/6 and 1/1 have a relationship, the double relates to its own other half and the 8/4 and diamond crystal are attracted to each other.

So next time you set up a birth chart just remember you need to find out which crystal you belong to before you start adding those planets, or opportunities for mutation and change.

So people born with the DNA letters that belong to the 6/6 crystal above would use this as their template. First house AAA, a year number 6 born in February, May or  November. Interestingly AAA produces 6/5 and as five does not exist in The I Ching world it is changed to either a 2 AAA or 8 AAG. Perhaps not the best example to have chosen but it is what it is. So only males can become AAA which is not something I had previously given any thought to.

Other DNA codons in the 6/6 crystal would be 6/6, 4/6, 8/6, 2/6, 2/4, 2/8, 2/2, 3/2, 7/2, 6/2, 6/3, 6/7,  all of which could be added to the template above. CCC would be the 4th house, TTT would be the 7th house and GGG would be the 10th house. No surprise their that the Heavenly energy of GGG would belong to the house of the C.E.O. (Chief Executive Officer).

Now we look for the same information in the 1/1 crystal.  The first house is now TAT which belongs to someone born in a 1 year during October a Nine star ki of 1/9/6. So We can see that TAT has a connection to AAA only because they both belong to the first houses of their templates. Others with the following nine star ki numbers would belong to this crystal. 1/1, 9/8, 1/3, 9/1, 7/9, 4/1, 9/9, 1/7, 9/4, 1/9, 8/1 and 3/9.

So First house TAT, 4th house GCG, 7th house ATA and finally 10th house CGC.

Now we can see that to start your birth chart you need to know which chart you belong to. The same rules apply to the other crystals which you can trace the DNA letters of via previous maps. For me my chart template is the 1/1 crystal above.

Template of the 1/1 Crystal
My birth Chart for 1/7/8
15th, March, 1954

1st house – TAT – 1/9 – 64 Hexagram
2nd house – ATG – 9/4 + 37 Hexagram
3rd house – TGC – 1/7 + 47 Hexagram
4th house – GCG – 9/9 - 30 Hexagram
5th house – CGA – 4/1 – 48 Hexagram
6th house – GAT – 7/9 – 38 Hexagram
7th house – ATA – 9/1 + 63 Hexagram
8th house – TAC – 1/3 – 40 Hexagram
9th house – ACG – 9/8 – 22 Hexagram
10th house – CGC – 1/1 + 29 Hexagram
11th house – GCT – 3/9 + 21 Hexagram
12th house – GCT – 3/9 + 21 Hexagram

So each section gives you a three letter codon. Take the 1st house of TAT and then look at the three outer, middle and inner rings of the circle and you will see that TAT runs through them too. In fact all the 12 codons repeat themselves over and over again throughout the template.

So my TGC belongs to the 3rd house but can also be found in the outer edge of the 3rd, 4th and 5th houses, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of the middle circle and in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd houses of the inner circle.
Four different representations of TGC within one circle but all active between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th houses. The dominant one is at the centre or in the 3rd house.

1 2 3 4 5
All working between the 1st and 2nd quadrants. So these must be more dominant for me.

Within those first five houses there are 4 fire T symbols, 3 earth A symbols, 5 G air/tree symbols and 3 C water symbols. So air/tree dominates G, followed by fire T and a joint count of 3 for water and earth.

The above are the positions of the sun signs with Aries as the starting point at house one. The usual house positions need not apply here. So the planets above would be positioned in the codons that apply to this particular crystal.

I have Venus in my 1st house, empty house 2nd, Jupiter 3rd house, Uranus 4th house and Moon in 5th house. So I suspect they will be important to me as they all have some connection with my TGC. Clearly the most important planet is Jupiter as it is in the 3rd house of TGC.

So the first TGC is very close to the centre and smaller in size as it spans the 1st, 2nd and 3rd house.
It becomes marginally more prominent as it spans the middle circle TGC across houses 2,3 and 4.
TGC that is on the outer circle is the biggest and most dominant as it spans houses 3,4 and 5. So whilst Venus is strong in the first my most dominant planets are Jupiter, Uranus and the Moon. Don't forget that TGC spans the whole of the 3rd house so without a doubt Jupiter is the most prominent of all. For that I have always been grateful. No time for boredom as another idea will be along in a moment. I think this blog tells you a lot about what you need to know about me and my dominant features.

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