Thursday 16 January 2014

Map 809 Variations and Errors in the Conforming Patterns of DNA

The Alerts or Lack of Congruence
in DNA Hexagrams
of The I Ching

First of all you must be flexible and consider for a moment that I Ching Lines, Nine Star Ki numbers, DNA Letters, Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic, Hexagram numbers, Positive and negative charges and Amino Acids can all have a connection. If you take an example and it matches for whatever various reasons then we can take it that piece of DNA is as it should be. If they do not conform to ALL of the markers then they can be said to show us something is not working in the way that it usually does. In observing what stands out from the norm we find our ALERTS.

In the I Ching Ho Tu or The Word chart made up from the vertical and horizontal numbers 28143976 we can see that the top half of the chart cancels out the bottom half of the chart with opposite lines. In other words for every example of six Jin and Jang lines there is an opposite set of Jang and Jin lines that cancels it out. So no apparent problems there.

In the same chart we can match up 56 of the 64 hexagrams to a pattern that reads the same as another when read upside down. So in this pattern we find 8 hexagrams that will continue to read the same when flipped upside down. The Hexagram does not change if read upside down, it remains the same. There is an error code on each line of the map therefore one for each of the 8 numbers or rows.

1/1...2/2...3/8...4/7...6/6...7/4...8/3...9/9... all remain the same when flipped over.

It could be said that these Hexagrams are in someway special because they are never changing, always the same but it causes a problem because in biology Hexagrams are compelled to find something else to match up to, pairing is life itself. So the following become their pairings accordingly to Hexagram numbers:

1/1........9/9 6/6........2/2 3/8.........4/7 7/4.........8/3

Hex 29/30   Hex 1/2    Hex     27/28     Hex   61/62

We know these are not perfect pairings but they need a partner.
We can observe here that in the upside world of The I Ching 8 Hexagrams have been brought to our attention as none conforming.

Hexagram bases have a top and bottom creating a 6 triangle hexagram. E.g.

The format for matching Hexagram triangles is as follows:

Take a DNA code of three letters if there is a T or A in the code then the bottom letter swops to its opposite on the top and T becomes A and A becomes T. If there is a T or A with a C or G within the code then the C and G remain unchanged. They move through to the top as their diagonal opposite. E.g.

As we can see only T has become A in its diagonal opposite C and G remain the same.

In a Hexagram with only C and G in it then they swop C becomes G and G becomes C in its diagonal opposite. E.g.

We can see above that 1/1 – 9/9 conform to the standard for Hexagrams even though they are not matched with an upside partner.

So if we work through all 64 Hexagrams and find them a partner that matches up whilst conforming to the Hexagram standard we find we have 8 that do not conform.

8/8... 8/3... 4/4... 4/7... 3/8... 3/3... 7/4... 7/7...

We can see that the only numbers connected to errors in the Hexagrams are 3,4,7 and 8... 3 becomes 8 when flipped, 4 becomes 7 when flipped perhaps this is the problem.

3/3 together when flipped become 8/8 which in the upside down map is not a problem they have become something else but in the Hexagram chart the error is in how it is read in letters. E.g.

We can see that nothing has been changed when moving from bottom to top and the top of this Hexagram should read GGC if it is to conform to Hexagram standards. Yet 3/3 and 8/8 are happier together than 3/3 and 7/7 would be.

We can also see that nothing has changed in this Hexagram. So the alerts which have only C or G in them do not change when they move to the top. Hence they are alerts. Yet 4/4 and 7/7 are happier together than 4/4 and 8/8 would be.

Yet the Hexagrams that contain T or A have another problem.

In this particular Hexagram T and A remain unchanged and C and G have swopped over. Not the usual pattern for Hexagrams but if it did conform the top would have also read AGT and there can only be one version of AGT.

Again in this Hexagram T and A remain unchanged and C and G have swopped over. If it did conform both top and bottom would have read ACT and there can only be one version of ACT.

Did they decide to wear different tops than they should have in order not to make two ACT, AGT, TGA or TCA. Could it be that they could not pair up with anything without an error copying themselves. The only thing that matches about them is the Hexagram number is in sequence.

So again we find a system that does not like to copy itself top and bottom and befriends other Hexagrams in the same situation in order to avoid doing so, even though they are not a very good match. As they say some couples are just not meant to be together, yet for one reason or another they pair up.

Numbers that can relate together are as follows:

1 & 9... 2 & 6... 3 & 8... 4 & 7... they appear to be interchangeable so when a 4/7 are together they are already well matched.

They each read the same when flipped so are part of those alerts.
They are also alerts because the letters are not right.
They are also alerts because the numbers do not compliment each other.

So I begin to feel that in all the systems there must be change. If T and A should change but can't then C and G will have to. If 3/8 can't find a dance partner it will have to dance with 4/7 even though they are not a good match. Whatever it does it must see some change, not to change is to stagnate.

If I look at the aspects in Feng Shui Astrology to these numbers we see the following:

3/8 Tree to Earth Quincunx or transforming – adapting – changing aspect
Tree/Air energy controlling Earth energy. Direct motion from 3 to 8.
4/7 Tree to Metal Quincunx or transforming – adapting – changing aspect
Metal energy controlling tree/air energy. 7 controls 4 so a retrograde motion is in operation here.
8/3 Tree/Air to Earth Quincunx or transforming – adapting – changing aspect
Tree/Air energy controlling Earth. 3 controls 8 so a retrograde motion is in operation here.
7/4 Metal to Tree/Air Quincunx or transforming – adapting – changing aspect
Tree/Air energy controlling Earth. Direct motion from 7 to 4.

3 Tree/Air controls or destroys 8 Earth

7 Metal controls or destroys 4 Tree/Air

8 Earth Creates and supports 7 Metal

3 Tree/Air creates and supports 4 Tree/Air

I'm not sure yet what I see in this aspect version if anything. Yet 3 and 8 are the same when flipped yet are in a destructive relationship and 4 and 7 are the same when flipped yet are in a destructive relationship. Maybe in being so much the same in flips, in DNA letters and Nine Star Ki numbers they have to introduce another partner or they will just self destruct.Or perhaps they are the change!

With health problems CAG repeats itself over and over again particularly in Huntington's Disease and Cystic Fibrosis could it be that although CAG, 4/8 matches with CTG 8/4 it makes a similar error to above and CAG copies itself as CAG changing the C and G instead of the A to a T. It is interesting that it is once again associated with those troublesome numbers 4 and 8.

More must follow on this as I am still not clicking everything into place. When I read old notebooks and see how little I could fathom way back then I know that given time the penny will drop and all of these errors or variations will seem simple.

See also Map 813

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