Friday 17 January 2014

Map 812 Alerts in DNA I Ching with Numbers 3,4,7 and 8

Alerts connected to 3, 4, 7 & 8

The four numbers that seem to have a connection with the alerts within the Nine Star Ki I Ching DNA patterns.

As we can see 3 becomes 8 when flipped over and 4 becomes 7 when flipped over.

3/3 becomes 8/8, 4/4 becomes 7/7, 3/4 becomes 7/8, 3/7 becomes 4/8, 7/3 becomes 8/4, 3/8 remains the same as 3/8, 4/7 remains as 4/7, 8/3 remains 8/3, and finally 7/4 remains as 7/4.

14 variations on the above combinations of numbers.

8/8 CCG Proline Phobic & N * Hex 52 D#GA# Saturn/Saturn
3/3 GCC Alanine Phobic & N * Hex 51 DGB Jupiter/Jupiter

7/7 GGC Glycine Neutral * Hex 58 DF#B Venus/Venus
4/4 CGG Arginine Philic * Hex 57 D#F#A# Jupiter/Jupiter

3/4 ATT Isoleucine Phobic Hex 42 C#EG# Jupiter/Jupiter
7/8 AAT Asparagine Philic Hex 41 C#FG# Venus/Saturn

4/8 CAG Glutamine Philic Hex 18 D#FA# Jupiter/Saturn
3/7 GTC Valine Phobic Hex 17 DEB Jupiter/Venus

7/3 GAC Aspartic Ac Philic Hex 54 DFB Venus/Jupiter
8/4 CTG Leucine Phobic Hex 53 D#EA# Saturn/Jupiter

4/7 TGA Stop Opal Neutral * ! Hex 28 CF#A Jupiter/Venus
3/8 ACT Isoleucine Phobic * ! Hex 27 C#GG# Jupiter/Saturn

8/3 TCA Serine Philic & N * ! Hex 62 CGA Saturn/Jupiter
7/4 AGT Serine Philic & N * ! Hex 61 C#F#G# Venus/Jupiter

The items marked * are alerts because they do not conform to the usual pattern of DNA Hexagrams.

Those marked ! Read the same when turned upside down. 1/1 – 9/9 – 2/2 – 6/6 also belong to the read the same upside down group but are otherwise not alerting.

4/8 CAG Glutamine Philic Hex 18 D#FA# Jupiter/Saturn
3/7 GTC Valine Phobic Hex 17 DEB Jupiter/Venus

If we take CAG it is not strictly an alert yet it is hidden in there amongst the 4, 8, 3, 7 problem. We know that T & A and G & C have a relationship and that should an error occur they will behave differently. What if CAG which becomes CTG when correct should make the error of becoming CAG in shadow.

ACT is ACT if following the rules so uses TGA as its top to counteract the problem. There can only be one ACT. In this example instead of changing the A and T it changes C to G and becomes TGA. If CAG did the same thing it would become CAG instead of CTG. As as string it would read as follows:

                                                        G C
Reads CAG                                     A A                   Reads CAG
Upwards                                          C G                   Downwards

This would be a potentially damaging thing two CAG's, I wonder if DNA tried to read it sees the error, repeats it again and so on because it has been unable to correct the error. Too many repeats and it could produce health problems like Cystic Fibrosis and Huntington's Disease. A tad simple I know but interesting nevertheless. I wonder how many other illnesses are connected to these 3,4,7.8

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