Sunday 19 January 2014

Map 813 Points on The Word I Ching that do not change when flipped

This is a map of The I Ching The Word 28143976 which shows the unchanging Hexagrams on the map, the ones that when flipped over do not change, they still read the same. Is there something special about these unchanging points?

Note the Star of David or as I have been calling it Solo Mans Temple based at it's centre with another two grand trines to the outer points.
Note also the Hexagram shape just waiting to be filled with the 6 triangles of DNA that go up to making a Hexagram.
Note also the entire shape is 6 sided to a stretched version of the standard Hexagram.
There is also a cube hidden in amongst the lines. As we know the cube is also another way of drawing a DNA codon.
So Grand Trines 120* aspects, Smaller talent triangles 60*, Squares 90*, Oppositions 180*, Quincunx 150*, the only missing aspect is the semisextile 30* aspect. Perhaps its in there and I am just not seeing it. Overall the shape is one of a hexagon that appears to be spinning on the access of Heaven and Earth.

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