Tuesday 21 January 2014

Map 814 An intense look at the DNA Codon TAC 1/3 in Nine Star Ki

DNA and its Information Pack

I stop to remind you that this website is called the ramblings of the Rose. Everything I say is a thought that has filtered to the front of my mind. It does not mean you should believe a single word I say but should something prove useful to you by all means feel free to use it.

In the I Ching each Hexagram is made up of 2 numbers, 3 letters and 6 lines.
Line 1 as we know has a relationship (in DNA) with line 4, line 2 with line 5 and line 3 with line 6. Lines 1 & 4 create a two line code which converts to a letter of DNA. Let us take a random example … TAC...

We can see how this works with the Codon TAC.

T is the first letter and is associated with fire in astrology, the first fire sign is Aries associated with the Musical note C.

A is the second letter and is associated with Earth in astrology, the second earth sign is Virgo associated with the Musical note F.

C is the third letter and is associated with water in astrology, the third water sign is Pisces associated with the Musical note B.

So TAC is also C F B in this particular case all notes are played on white piano keys.

The aspects are positioned in both the lower and upper charts. 150* Quincunx from Aries to Virgo is likely to bring about change or adaptation. 180* from Virgo to Pisces whilst this is an opposition it is also an attraction and can bring about balance and harmony. Pisces to Aries 30* aspect is a connection to a neighbouring sign which will make you think. Pisces can throw water on the fiery nature of Aries helping keep it more balanced and Aries can fire up the visionary nature of the Pisces. Compassionate peace loving Pisces connecting to warlike Aries must discover a way of understanding each other and finding a midpoint that is not overly either of them. Clearly an aspect that has the potential for change or mutation. This aspect shape can also be associated with stress and anxiety or over activity, something creative can come from this energy as it strives to bring about change.

The amino acid associated with TAC is Tyrosine...Greek word for cheese...first found in casein in the protein of cheese...it can also be synthesized in the body from Phenylalanine...thyroid hormones are derived from tyrosine..in a chain of reactions tyrosine is a precursor to Melanin...a lack of melanin is albinism... a lack of tryrosinase a copper containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin... an absence of pigment in the skin from lack of tyrosine...all white on the piano keys...

TAC is Hex 40 and associated with the word Liberation...equal rights or status..Freedom is found in innocence...guilt creates a prison... If you know something is the right thing to do then do it you will feel liberated and free of guilt...this Hexagram shows us that danger is about to pass your not quite there yet but you are on your way its just the beginning of various stages of change...change can clear the air and improve conditions..

TAC belongs to the Nine Star Ki numbers 1 – 3 – 3 and sits in the East facing in a westerly direction. It creates the pattern of energy movement as follows...

TAC belongs to the 1/1 – 9/9 Crystal and is in the position of the 8th house, known for its transformative energy. It is a Hydrophobic energy but can also adapt and become Neutral if required. It's face Hexagram is CTA positioned in the 12th house of the 1/1 crystal so they are in a water Trine aspect to each other within that crystal.

It produces an I Ching Hexagram as follows:

In this cube TAC will become Neutral because CTA is phobic and prefers to be on the inside of molecule.

We can see that they conform to the Hexagram letters pattern T and A change and C remains unchanged. 1/3 and 8/1 are also a good match in nine star ki numbers. So no alerts here.

Do Leucine and Tyrosine work together well as combined amino acids.

TAC is associated with the planets Mercury and Jupiter … mind expanding perhaps...Pisces is certainly associated with the removal of boundaries.

TAC is associated with the body parts Head Aries...Intestines Virgo...Feet Pisces. The houses are associated with 1, Aries, The Head, Mars.....6, Virgo,  Intestines, Mercury..... 12, Pisces, Feet, Neptune/Jupiter.  So 1/3 is associated with Mercury and Jupiter and the houses add the energy of Mars and potentially the energy for action.

Written in a strand of DNA...

                             C             G
                             A             T
                             T             A

So looking at this strand we could be forgiven for reading TAC, CAT ATG or GTA but there is no sign of CTA anymore. Yet I believe the crystals must have a place in DNA production and their opposite partners which in the case of TAC is CTA. In strand reproduction C partners G, T partners A and vice versa but in the conforming examples of the Hexagrams C becomes G only if it is made up of C's and G's alone and T swops to A but if there is a C or G in the mix it does not change. In the crystals their opposites do not conform to DNA swops unless one half of the crystal is flipped upside down and then they ALL conform without error but why would half of the crystal have to flip over is it because it is now being read upside down and now there is a match. Well much more thinking to be done but this format can be followed for all three letter Codons and the information can be found in the various maps on this blog. Happy hunting.

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