Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Map 803 Amino Acids Required to make Oxytocin

Pituitary Gland

To make Oxytocin a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland nine amino acids are required, its only 8 variations as Cysteine is used twice.

Cysteine TGC 1/7 Hex 47 NE/SW 1/1 C F# B Mercury/Venus
Aspect shape 180 x 150 x 30

Tyrosine TAC 1/3 Hex 40 E/W 1/1 C F B Mercury/Jupiter
Aspect Shape 150* X 180* X 30*

Isoleucine ATT 3/4 Hex 42 SE/NW Double C# E G# Jupiter/Jupiter
Aspect Shape 90* x 120* x 150*

Glutamine CAG 4/8 Hex 18 N/S Diamond D# F A# Jupiter/Saturn
Aspect Shape 60* x 150* x 150*

Asparagine AAC 7/2 Hex 19 N/S 6/6 C# F B Venus/Saturn
Aspect Shape 120* x 180* x 60*

Cysteine TGC 1/7 Hex 47 NE/SW 1/1 C F# B Mercury/Venus
Aspect shape 180 x 150 x 30 

Proline CCC 2/2 Hex 2 Centre 6/6 D# G B Saturn/Saturn
Aspect Shape 120* x 120* x 120* Grand Trine in water

Leucine CTG 8/4 Hex 53 S/N 8/4 D# E A# Saturn/Jupiter
Aspect Shape 30* x 180* x 150*

Glycine GCG 9/9 Hex 30 Centre 1/1 D G A# Mars/Mars
Aspect Shape 150* x 90* x 120*

It acts as a neuromodulator of the brain. Something so important can be made by just a string of 9 amino acids. Interestingly both Cysteine's are TGC rather than TGC and the other Cysteine TGT. So obviously the sequence of amino acids is important, it is not a recipe where you throw the amino acids into a dish and mix or we would just have a measure of each and two measures of cysteine.
The second cysteine can only be added to the mix at point 6.


Required at the time of birth and then for the production of milk. Suckling children stimulate the pituitary gland which releases this hormone which causes the muscle cells around the gland to contract and release milk. Maybe both mother and child benefit from breast feeding.

There are also tests now for bulls and cows to see which bulls are likely to produce female calves and which cows are the best milkers. Is this Eugenics for cattle, is it wise? I realise this is business and why produce to destroy but it's a very alarming view. Although when I read about young bulls short lives I am leaning towards a level of understanding.

What do we have from this string of DNA.....


9 Codons ….. 4 from the 1/1 crystal... 2 from the 6/6 Crystal...1 from the 8/4 Crystal...1 from the diamond crystal and 1 from the double crystal.

So the 1/1 crystal dominates here but all crystals are present.

3 Mercury... 3 Venus....5 Jupiter...5 Saturn...2 Mars...

Jupiter planet of expansion and Saturn planet of restriction strongest here but what a contradiction to expand and contract.

2 NE/SW directions...1 E/W...1 SE/NW...2 N/S...1 S/N...2 Centre...

No clear dominant in the directions chart but NE/SW and centre have two markers.

Musical tones...

3 C...2 C#...1 D...3 D#...2 E...3 F...2 F#...2 G... 1 G#... 3 A#... 5 B...

B is the dominant sound in this string of amino acids. The end.

I will think some more on this I have so longed for a string of amino acids that I could read and think about. x

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