Friday 10 January 2014

Endometriosis - Thyroid - Hereditary Hemochromotosis DNA Mutations



Tyrosine reduces dopamine levels, Thyroid hormones are derived from Tyrosine.

In Endometriosis Cysteine reads as Tyrosine in error.

Endometriosis occurs when there is a lack of Cysteine in the body and the body is creating tyrosine instead.

Human Hepcidin – a natural iron regulator the absence of which creates a condition known as Hereditary Hemochromotosis which results in high iron levels.

Human Hepcidin is created from Cysteine rich peptides.

In conditions where Cysteine is substituted for Tyrosine the natural iron regulator Hepcidin is not produced.

Cysteine metabolises to Sulphuric Acid which detox's the system.

Cysteine breaks down mucus making it thinner and easier to cough up. (Is there a lack of Cysteine with the condition Cystic Fibrosis?)


I come from a family that has the potential to get thyroid problems, my body may well produce Tyrosine to help and this in turn creates Thyroxine and keeps Thyroid problems at bay. The accidental result could be lack of Cysteine creating Endometriosis. That same lack of cysteine could mean that my natural iron regulator in the form of Hepcidin is not being made.

I come from a family history which is part Irish and part German. The German part of the family are more prone to Thyroid problems. I have heard if you live in a country that does not have a water boundary it can lack Iodine from the sea in the air and cause Thyroid problems over many generations. So I have the potential for Thyroid problems but I don't have the problem.

I also have an Irish background and the condition Hereditary Hemochromotosis is common amongst the Irish because during the potato famine DNA mutated in some Irish people so that it could asborb the little iron they had. Of course once their diets returned to normal the mutation remained and the body stores more iron than is necessary and the condition Hereditary Hemochromotosis was born.

So from my German background my body changes the production of Cysteine to Tyrosine in order to correct my potential for Thyroid problems, which in turn creates the health problem Endometriosis through lack of Cysteine, which in turn creates my Hereditary Hemochromotosis problems again from lack of cysteine. So perhaps if I found a way to add Cysteine to my body I would not have had H.H or Endometriosis but could well have had Thyroid problems.

It would appear my mutations were trying to help my combined German/Irish background and ended up causing me health problems.

As an update since writing this I have had surgery to correct the endometriosis......and yes I now have thyroid problems. X

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