Sunday 30 June 2024

Solomans Temple Start and Stop Points

Soloman’s Temple of 36 

TGA Middle use

                                      TAA - STOP     TAG - STOP

                     ATG - START - Met

                                            All on the bottom line

18 codons can create the STOP codon I am yet to work out which they are. 

I started this game with ATG Start codon and tried my hardest to finish a line with a STOP Codon without success but it was fun trying. Enjoy your thinking x 

Thursday 27 June 2024

Soloman’s Temple for 27th June 2024


So disappointed now that I know it is possible to make this 64 DNA Codon pattern in 34 triangles it feels like a failure when I have to settle for the usual 36……….I will keep on trying. X 

Sunday 23 June 2024

23/6/2024 Soloman’s Temple for the day


I started out with a double hexagon to form the game of 34 but it wasn’t long before I found it too difficult to create a game of 34 and had to settle for 36. The red dots denote the places I cannot add to because I would then be creating two DNA Codons that are the same the tighter the pattern the harder it becomes to add to it. I did eventually manage to finish at a 36 but now I know I can do it in 34 it feels like a failure. I shall keep trying ….enjoy your thinking. X 

Thursday 20 June 2024

The I Ching Hexagrams 1 and 2 - GGG CCC


So many ways to express DNA in The I Ching………here we have the Codons GGG/CCC Hexagrams 1 and 2 of the I Ching. We express GGG first so the umbrella is floating on the water if CCC was dominating then the umbrella would be held up high to offer cover and support (another name for feng shui) For GGG it is whatever floats your boat. Even number hexagrams have the umbrella down like this one and even numbered Hexagrams have their umbrella aloft. X 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

The I Ching 6/6 Crystal and The 1/1 Crystal


Here we have the simplest way of looking at the I Ching Crystals of DNA codons above we have the outer ring of the Record of Life the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal and below the second crystal in from the edge we have the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal. Each colour denotes DNA Green letter A Blue letter C Orange letter T and Yellow letter G. 

The top crystal is the easiest of all to read as it keeps the colours in one area of the circle if you look at the top circle Orange T goes to Yellow G to Green A and finally to C Blue. Usually they read clockwise but if you imagine putting the record arm on the circle it would play in the right order Blue, Orange, Yellow and Green. The top starts in the East with AAA which reduces as it moves towards CCC and so on.

The lower circle or the 1/1 - 9/9 I Ching Crystal is more complex and starts in the East with TAT and moves through the twelve houses before returning to TAT once more. 

6/6 - 2/2 and 1/1 - 9/9 seems to have some sort of relationship apart from being next to each other on the record of life each crystal contains 12 DNA Codons so we have 24 codons in all here. 

The I Ching 8/4 Crystal and The Diamond Centre Crystal

Here we have the top circle of the 8/4 - 7/3 crystal which is the largest of the crystals that are at the centre of the record of life. Below we see what I call the diamond crystal as it contains only 4 codons and sits nicely at the centre of the record. These two seem to share a lot of the 3,4,7 & 8 connections are partner up. 

These two crystals contain 12 for the 8/4 and just 4 for the diamond making 16 in all. Add to that the other crystals 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 4 and we have all 64 codons of DNA appearing in 6 crystals matching with the Hexagrams of The I Ching. X

The I Ching Left and Right Hand Double Crystal


Here we have what I call the double crystal because the I Ching Hexagrams insist on sharing with the other circle rather than directly opposite as usual. They are definitely intertwined with each other and come on the record of life after the 6/6 and 1/1 crystals. They make up the space at the middle part of the record of life. 

Here we have the doubel at the middle area and creating 24 codons of DNA. 

Tuesday 18 June 2024

The I Ching and Soloman’s Temple


Here we have a selection of only 34 Triangles in a game of SOloman’s Temple. I can only presume the fact I was able to create the game with two hexagrams joined together that it was possible to reduce the triangles down to 34. 

Here we see the portion that contains both Hexagons - Hexagrams which make the smaller count possible

Here we now have a three hexagon - Hexagram combination which I will try to finish the game within so less triangles maybe even less than 34 but still containing all 64 codons of DNA. I have been on this one for 24 hours without success it is very hard to penetrate this block of three but it took me years to reduce 40 triangles down to 36 and now 12 years to reduce 36 down to 34 lets hope it can continue because with the closely connected hexagrams it must make it more likely. Those Bees knew what they were doing when they made their honeycombs. X 

Monday 17 June 2024

Solomans Temple of 36 Triangles has just become 34……….CHANGED FOREVER


I cannot believe it I have taken 12 years to master the game Soloman’s Temple of 36 triangles with 9 of each of the elements fire, earth, air, water. Yes it is neat and orderly with 36 triangles but now after all this time I have created a game with only 34 triangles which still contain all 64 codons of DNA within it. 

Clearly this has been possible because of the two intertwined hexagons…….or hexagrams of the I Ching. As the two are combined they managed to contain so many more DNA Codons and this is why it has now been possible to reduce the game down to 34 triangles. I will grieve the loss of the orderly way of the equal elements but am delighted to have found a lower number. Just forming one full hexagram is difficult but even then it is still a game of 36. So two combined now makes this possible I wonder if I should now focus on trying to create a pattern with three intertwined hexagrams. Oh dear I am never satisfied. I am happy though this is the first breakthrough in years. So well done me. Enjoy your thinking. X 

Instead of the usual 9 fire, 9 air, 9 earth and 9 water we have here 9 water, 9 earth, 8 air and 8 fire.  

Sunday 16 June 2024

Enneagrams and DNA Codons in The I Ching and Nine Star Ki

 Each year is another number in the Nine Star Ki ways of dating………here we have all 9 years (8 because 5 becomes 2) and it shows the shapes they make in each of those years as they contain all the aspect shapes that are created during that year. Oddly all 9 years create a pattern that is an enneagram. Lets take a look at the shapes…….

            These two shapes make up the numbers 2 which is also 5 at top and number 4 at bottom ……….
                                      These two shapes make up the numbers 6 at bottom 7 at top………
These two shapes make up the numbers 9 at the top and 8 at the bottom…..

                       These two shapes make up the numbers 3 at the top and Number 1 at the bottom……..

Can it be a coincidence that the 12 shapes for each year collectively create an enneagram pattern within the circle. 

The Enneagram is a model of human psychology and personality theory that is based on the idea that each person has a unique and innate personality structure, or "essence," that shapes the way they see the world and themselves. Well I guess it does talk about shaping the world. 

The Enneagram is an ancient way of looking at 9 personality types. It unveils unique patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Each type comes with a core motivation. The core motivation is a driving force shaping our actions and perspectives on the world.

Is that what we need to do here work out what is going on at the very core of these shapes to determine the way that we interact with the world as individuals. 

As a number 1 myself I would look at the bottom image and notice that it shows number 1 and number 3 to be creating similar shapes in different positions in the houses of an astrology chart. Number 1 supports number 3 and number 3 is compatible with the number 1 so maybe thats why they seem to be creating the similar shape. 

Similar shapes can be found in the other numbers but not so noticeably. 

The number 1 year contains that wonderful, magical double Ruminator pattern, along with two Lecturers, a Teacher, two Alternators, I think thats it so the qualities of the number 1 year are Lecturers and Teachers so happy to pass on what they learn to others……..the Alternators know how to work, rest and play and not over work themselves, The Ruminators give them creativity which helps them to think of something and make it happen. That ancient symbol knows so much about holding data and passing it on another trait potential for the number 1.  

Number 1……. The number 1 type is called The Reformer. Motivated to live rightly, driven by a longing for a true, just and moral world. They are loyal, dedicated, conscientious, helpful and good humoured. Efficient, organised, trustworthy and always complete tasks.

I guess that does not sound unlike me and I do like to shape things thats for sure. 

Take another look at the Enneagram personality types for yourself based on your year number in nine star ki. Enjoy your thinking. X 

Saturday 15 June 2024

Alerts in The I Ching DNA Codons and Hexagrams


A quick peek at the alerts in The I Ching Hexagrams partnerships. 

Number 1… shows lower Hexagram ACT 3/8 Nine Star Ki Hexagram 27 now if we put its pairing on top in the way crystals work it would create another ACT so I can understand why this pairing needed to split and instead of a double ACT we now share ACT 3/8 Hex 27 with Hex 28 4/7 TGA this means the Hexagram numbers work 27 and 28 but the Nine Star Ki 3/8 and 4/7 are not complimentary. If we changed the ACT into a DNA Codon instead of the crystal partner we would produce AGT 7/4 Hex 61 which is correct for the DNA codon ACT with AGT but again the hexagram number and nine star ki are wrong but at least the DNA Codon is correct for codons if not for crystals.

Number 2 shows lower hexagram GCC 3/3 Nine Star Ki Hexagram 51 and on top we have CCG 8/8 Hex 52 so the hexagram numbers match, the nine star ki numbers are happy but the DNA Codon is not. If we put 3/3 Hex 51 with GGC 7/7 Hex 58 on top then we have unhappy nine star ki numbers unhappy Hexagram numbers but the DNA codon is good for DNA matches. 

Number 3 CGG 4/4 Hex 57 has GGC on lower level with GGC 7/7 Hex 58 on top. So the hexagrams are happy, The Nine star Ki are happy but the DNA Codon is not. So in the DNA Codon version we have GCC on bottom with GGC on top so the Hexagrams are not happy, the nine star ki are not happy but the DNA Codon matches. 

Finally number 4 AGT 7/4 Hex 61 on bottom with TCA on top 8/3 Nine Star Ki Hexagram 62 this is another one were AGT creates itself on top so needs to be swopped. In doing so the codon does not match, the nine star ki and not happy but the hexagram is correct. When made up in DNA Codons style AGT 7/4 Hex 61 partners with ACT 3/8 Hex 27 so the DNA Codon is correct the nine star ki are not happy and the Hexagram numbers are not happy. 

If you only take into account the DNA Codons then they are all correct but DNA Codons in the I Ching Hexagrams have 8 ALERTS and show us how not all nine star ki, hexagrams or DNA Codons are happy in the crystals until we flip the right hand side of a crystal over and the DNA Codons all match as they do in biology but its interesting that the alerts are suddenly conforming now they have been flipped over. 

Alerts create amino acids, Proline, Serine twice, Arganine, STOP Opal, Threonine, Alanine and Glycine.

Aspect Shapes Teachers, Worker, Ruminator, Magician and Lecturers x 4. Nine Star Ki numbers 3,4,7 & 8. Saturn, Jupiter and Venus Planetary years.  So no clues here other than 3,4,7 & 8 cause all of them. 

Confusing yes but then I am a Pisces and Neptune is my middle name. There is a clue to something here if we could but find out why it behaves this way. Enjoy yur thinking. X 

Nine Star Ki Data for July, 2024


Here we see the energy created in a three years month of July…… this case July, 2024 but any 3/9 year throughout the ages. So 3/9 Nine Star Ki is the centre energy hidden away at the centre of the chart recharging its batteries. 3/9 Nine Star Ki is the DNA Codon GCT, Hexagram 21, creates the amino acid Alanine, the Ruminator aspect shape and takes the direction from North East to South West. 

Collectively the whole number 3 year creates musically C# D E G G# B…….those of a musical incline could create some pretty music appropriate for the year. 3/9 also creates the solfeggio music of 396 so for this month you could concentrate your meditations on 396 solfeggio but next month that will change. 

DNA Codons letters added together for each month of the year to find a dominant element show for this month 14 C Water is the most dominant  with T Fire close behind so both of these elements are above ground and therefore are paramount in the chart horizontally although vertically C Water 14 and A Earth 7 are also stronger than fire and air. So purgin of the earth will go on this month but it is in the rewards from Heaven coming down to us that we see the best of the month as it brings forth all the best it can from the Heavens. 

A number 3 year is all about Jupiter so fill those lungs and expand whilst the opportunity presents itself. 

Threonine is the most prolific amino acid this month so what might that be about…

Threonine... Neutral … used for nervous system, spinal disorders, MS, creates glycine and helps with unwanted muscle contractions. Changed in the body to a chemical called Glycine, used to treat nervous disorders, spinal spasticity, multiple sclerosis, it reduces muscle spasms, needed for healthy bones and teeth, essential as it cannot be made by the body, helps with antibodies in immune system problems, helps the body synthesise Glycine and Serine which are vital to many bodily functions, in excess can cause liver problems and a buildup of ammonia toxicity in the body. 

Look after your health and book an appointment with your dentist there is never a better time….solfeggio 396 is about releasing our fears and living a more comfortable life maybe threonine could help with that. We also see here that the majority of the DNA Codons are hydrophobic with some being neutral so could be either phobic or philic. So a relatively introverted month. The red line denotes the direction of the energy of each codon. Alternators and Lecturers dominate here with some rumination and teaching thrown in. So intelligence can be seen here. If of course our nervous system is balanced. Some months are repeated but use the same data and the month number 5 is changed to a number 2. So a fair bit of data for you to decide what you might do using the energies available to you next month. Enjoy your thinking because July 3/9 is a good time for it. X 

Listening to Music tuned to 396 Hz helps remove subconscious fears, worries, and anxiety. It also helps to eliminate feelings of guilt and subconscious negative beliefs blocking the path to achieving personal goals.

Listening to music tuned to this frequency is most helpful when you want to feel more uplifted, secure, and give power to your goals and dreams.

 tuned to this frequency is most helpful when you want to feel more uplifted, secure, and give power to your goals and dreams.

Friday 14 June 2024

All Nine Numbers in Nine Star Ki as Cubes and Crucifixes

 Sometimes when people look at this blog they find old listings which I find as fascinating as the new ones …. Sometimes I don’t know what I am talking about lol……… is beyond me now I have forgotten the pattern. This one popped up recently showing the crucifixes for all 9 numbers in 9 Star Ki. Each crucifix is an open cube. The face of the cube is centred on each number and then the rest of the cube can be made up because if you know the face you can work out the rest. Putting them together creates the four choices so often found in life. I list below a face of a cube see if you can complete it without checking out the crucifix first. What a wonderful church window it would make.  Enjoy your thinking. X 

Thursday 13 June 2024

DNA Codons in The I Ching Hexagrams

Here we have the 64 DNA Codons and Hexagrams that make up the I Ching Crystals.  DNA T becomes A and C becomes G but in the crystals it does not always work that way.

A lower part of the hexagram of 6 take row 1 the bottom one is the starting point with Hexagram 1 GGG so because there are only G’s in the pattern they become C’s in the crystals. So GGG has a top of CCC.

Go to the top of the first row and we have CCA on the bottom so because there is an A the C remains unchanged and we just change the A to a T as we can see the top of this hexagram is TCC.

The items marked ❤️ are known as alerts and this means they do not conform to the usual pattern of the crystals because for example in the second row the ❤️ bottom reads ACT but if we follow the rules this ACT can only recreate a top line of ACT so its not allowed and it has to borrow a top from another hexagram with similar problems and the top becomes TGA. There are four ❤️ 8 Hexagrams that do not conform but get by by adapting and helping each other out. 

So we see here the partnerships between Hexagrams in The I Ching Crystals not in DNA Codons which would partner differently. 

Here we see an example of the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal….

There are no alerts in this crystal everything is as it should be for crystal formations…….but in order to make them also conform to DNA Codons we have to flip the right hand side of the crystal top to bottom. This then gives us the correct letters for DNA codons. If you imagine its a bit like a fuse box you take out one side flip it over and pop it back in. Then all is well.

In doing this we have the usual patterns for DNA Codons………..also there are no alerts this way everything conforms as it should but that does not mean the Crystals are wrong because they are so simple to create they have to have some part in the patterns of DNA Codons. 

If you take any random choice of three letters in. Crystal then you can keep going forming a pattern until after 12 codons the pattern repeats itself. E.g.













So to start any crystal choose three letters from TGAC here we start with TAT the next letter is formed by dropping the first letter and moving around the pattern above one space and add it to the end of the next codon. E.g. TAT becomes AT and then we move the missing T one space to G and end up with ATG we keep on doing that until we have created 12 codons and the 13th will just bring you back to the beginning. Now we can match those codons with Nine Star Ki numbers too so we know this crystal has meaning. Then in order to change the crystal Hexagrams to DNA Codons we simply flip one side of the crystal and all is well with the world. 

Enjoy your thinking x 

Map of Data for 28143976 The Word I Ching


A map to help you find as much data for each DNA Codon in one place……The DNA Codon, Nine Star Ki, Phobic - Neutral - Phillic…Amino Acid…Hexagram number…Directions…Which crystal it is in…which section of the I Ching map of elements it is in….musical notes it plays….planets associated with it…size of Aspect shape it makes…….and finally the Aspect shape itself. Lots to compare to and think about. Enjoy x 

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Final 12 DNA Codons with Alerts or Errors

The empty spaces above are filled by these final 12 pairings….

 As we know alerts or errors in DNA Codon usually have something to do with the nine star ki numbers 3,4, 7 and 8. So this set of DNA Codons will come as no surprise they have more errors than usual in the pairings. 

3/3 - GCC - Centred - Hex 51

8/8 - CCG - Centred - Hex 52 

7/7 - GGC - Centred - Hex 58

4/4 - CGG - Centred - Hex 57 

If we start with 3/3 and 8/8 as Nine Star Ki numbers they are a correct pairing. They are both centred. Hex 51 and 52 so that is a pairing too. That said GCC should be paired with GGC in the DNA I Ching Crystals and in DNA Codons it should also be GGC so the error here is that Hex 51 would be happier paired with Hex 58 so for this pairing the DNA Codes are wrong but everything else is okay. 

4/4 - 7/7 as Nine Star Ki numbers are a correct pairing. They are both centred. Hex 57 and 58 are a pairing too. That said CGG should be partnered with CCG in the I Ching DNA Crystal and in DNA Codons it should also be CCG so the error here is that Hex 57 would be happier paired with Hex 52 so for this pairing the DNA Codons are wrong but everything else is okay. 

3/7 - GTC - N/S - Hex 17

4/8 - CAG - N/S - Hex 18

8/4 - CTG - S/N - Hex 53

7/3 - GAC - S/N - Hex 54

We start here with 3/7 and 4/8 as a pairing which are incorrect 3/7 would be happier with 7/3 for its Nine Star Ki partner. Direction are not a problem here. It partners with GTC and CAG in DNA I Ching Crystals but partners with GAC for a DNA Codon. That said it partners well with Hexagrams 17 and 18. So Nine Star Ki numbers are a problem here. 

8/4 and 7/3 as a pairing which are incorrect. 8/4 would be happier with 4/8 and 7/3 would be happier with 3/7 for its Nine Star Ki partner. 8/4 codon CTG partner with 4/8 CAG in DNA but also partners with GAC 7/3 for I Ching DNA Crystals. They partner well together with Hexagram numbers 53 and 54. So again directions are not a problem here but the Nine Star Ki numbers are wrong.

3-8 - ACT - S/N - Hex 27

4-7 - TGA - SW/NE - Hex 28

7-4 - AGT - NE/SW - Hex 61 

8-3 - TCA - N/S - HEX 62

3-8 and 4-7 as a pairing are incorrect. 3-8 would be happier with 8/3 and 4/7 would be happier with 7/4 as its Nine Star Ki partners. 3-8 ACT partners AGT in DNA Codons but can only make a mirror image of itself in DNA I Ching Crystals as ACT would only be able to create ACT once more. 4/7 partners TCA in DNA Codons but in I Ching DNA Crystals is once again can only make a mirror image of itself of TCA. 

The problem with these four is that they have to share another codon with another Hexagram or remain the same twice. The Nine Star Ki is wrong……..the DNA Codons are wrong…..The directions are wrong and the Hexagram numbers would be happier with a different partner. 

3/7 S/N direction partners best with 8/3 TCA and 4/7 partners best with 7/4. 

So whilst the Nine Star Ki numbers do create the DNA codons they have alongside them it is in them creating a partnership that things suddenly stop matching up. If we did not show the DNA codons all would be well or if we didn’t show the Nine Star ki all would be well. It is in showing Nine Star Ki, DNA Codons, Directions and Hexagram Numbers that we see errors. The more variations on a theme you can produce the more chance you have of seeing something isn’t quite right. 

So here with have the final 12 variations of codes within the I Ching. 

Sunday 9 June 2024

Causes of Differences in Direction of Hexagram DNA Codons


As we can see from this image of a game of Soloman’s Temple it takes 36 triangles to record all 64 codons of DNA and in some cases this is because TGA can also read AGT when looking at the pattern but a lot of DNA Codons can only be read one way. 64 codons of DNA letters can then be reduced down to only 40 codons. 9 of each element water, fire, air and earth make the best combinations but the game can be complete with many more triangles in it but perfection is 36. 

In the previous listing we find directions don’t always work within the patterns and this could be because those 24 that a duplicated are removed and this may well have some bearing on the directions.

The red markings show were in the game you cannot add another letter to create another codon without duplicating a pattern which is not allowed in the game of Soloman’s Temple. They cause blockages as perhaps they do in Genetic DNA and you have to find another spot to continue to add to the puzzle. The blue markings show you a spot were you could continue to add to the game, there are others. So patterns that are read left to right and then right to left and remain the same are obstacles to the continuation of the game. I suspect they also cause many of the directional problems we found in musical DNA.

Enjoy your thinking. X 

Saturday 8 June 2024

Data for Differences in Double Pairings of Hexagrams Directions

These Hexagram pairings comes as doubles….2 pairs of pairs. Most of them have no problems regarding directions but some do and I have listed them here to take a closer look at why…..also added by the black dot are the single pairings showing just 12 more needed.

Lowest Numbered Hex's Highest Number Hex’s…

7 SE/NW - 8 NW/SE            13 NE/SW - 14 SW/NE            Match up no problems

CAC 1/2 -  CTC 2/1              GTG 9/6 -    GAG 6/9 

5 N/S -  6 S/N                         35 W/E - 36 E/W                    Match no problems

AGA 6/1 - TGT 1/6                TCA 2/9 - ACA 9/2 

3 S/N - 4 W/E                        37 N/S - 38 E/W                       Match no problems

ATC 3/1 - CAT 1/8                ATG 9/4 - GAT 7/9            

9 W/E*- 10 NW/SE 23 NE/SW* - 24 NW/SE        2 positive Hexagrams 

AGG 6/4  GGT   7/6               CCT  2/8       ACC 3/2

Hex 9 does not match up to Hexagram 23

15 SW/NE* - 16 SE/NW 43 SE/NW - 44 E/W*             Pos/Neg

CCA  8/2       TCC 2/3           GGA 6/7      TGG 4/6

Hex 15 does not match up to Hex 44

19 N/S* - 20 E/W         25 SW/NE* - 26 E/W             2 Positive

AAC 7/2   CTT  2/4                GTT  3/6       AAG 6/8

Hex 19 does not match up to Hex 25

21 NE/SW - 22 NW/SE* 59  SW/NE* -  60 SW/NE     Neg/Pos

GCT  3/9     ACG 9/8             CGT  1/4         AGC 7/1

Hex 22 does not match up to Hex 59

33 Centred* - 34 Centred*  45 S/N* - 46 W/E*         Both pos/neg

TTG 8/6        GAA 6/3             TTC 2/7  CAA 4/2

Hex 33 does not match up to Hex 46 and 34 does not match up with 45

39 W/E - 40 S/N*         49 E/W* - 50 E/W                  Neg/Pos

CTA 8/1   TAC 1/3                 GTA  9/7    TAG 4/9

Hex 40 does not match Hex 49 

47 NE/SW - 48 NE/SW*        55 SW/NE - 56 SE/NW*      2 Negatives

TGC 1/7      CGA  4/1.           GCA 9/3      TCG 8/9

Hex 48 does not match hex 56 

28 DNA Codons with double pairings that do not match in all ways with the directions and 12 that do. 

So none of the single pairings had a direction problem (12) another (12) Codons had no problems with directions and this 28 sets of codons have some form of problem when it comes to the direction the codons are moving. This must in some way have an effect on the movement of a cube of DNA . Lets take an example…. 

So could it be that some DNA cubes move around in a clockwise direction but for some it needs to be read Anticlockwise in order to get the directions right. Its hard to say at the moment but we have spotted an anomaly and from this we will discover more things as we go along. 

We see above that some problems are positive & negative but some show two positives or 2 negatives together. In Hexagrams the odd number sits on the bottom and the negative number sits on top so this is another reason some of these hexagrams are not working together. 

We still have (12 + 12 + 28 = 52) another 12 codons and how they present their problems x 

Enjoy your thinking.  X