Sunday 24 January 2021

At the Heart of Nine Star Ki


Here we have the image of the all seeing eye.........perhaps the pituitary gland....from this the gems of the zodiac go around its crown expanding outwards into a heart shape of numbers which meet up at the top and begin to turn inward again forming the shape of a heart..........notice to the left Jin feminine side the numbers giving and receiving starting at number 2, 8, 1 and 4 then as the blue line turns inwards the numbers turn upside down and repeat. The right hand Jang male side of take and give work the same way on the numbers 6.7.9 and 3 the they turn into the heart and repeat but notice how 2 and 6, 8 and 7, 9 and 1 and 3 and 4 all cancel each other out from the perspective of their I Ching lines, negative cancelling out positive and leaving us with nothing. The shape it forms is also very like the Hat the Pope wears called the fish hat I think. 28143976 is also the order of the patterns within the I Ching itself. 

Everything is so simple when you can see. X Enjoy being a seer. X 

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