Sunday 24 January 2021

Nine Star Ki and its positions within Nine Star Ki Maps


Here we see a Nine Star Ki chart based on having number 5 at its centre there are 81 pieces to this particular pattern the centre of it also gives us the grid of 9 pieces for the 5 centred nine star ki, a pattern within a pattern but this whole pattern can also become a smaller part of a whole pattern for another chart...

This map above is based on a map with 6 at the centre therefore this places our map at the top in the south east number 4 position of the main chart..........thus showing the smaller map above is now sitting comfortably inside a larger map based on 6 rather than five.......this map 27 x 27 or 729 pieces can also then go on to position its larger self into another chart and so it goes on this map can be extrapolated into infinity .......x

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