Friday 15 January 2021

Flip The I Ching to Create Nothing - Lines and Hexagrams


This is the I Ching cut in two and the right hand side

Flipped over so that number 1 is now in the top right hand corner and not the bottom right hand corner. 

In flipping one side of the I Ching it creates I Ching lines that cancel each other out for e.g. 2/2 usually matches with 2/6.....2/2 is six broken lines and 2/6 is three broken lines with three solid lines above it they only cancel out 50% of the lines whereas if 6/6 partnered with 2/2 it would be six broken lines cancelling out six solid lines. 

This cancellation works on all Hexagrams with the flipped chart....whereas the actual I Ching only cancels out 50% because the number that comes first does not get cancelled out because it remains the same. 

An example would be 2/2 is six broken lines and 6/6 is six solid lines and hence positive and negative cancel each other out. When it is not flipped 2/2 matches with 2/6 so the number 2 remains the same so no cancellation there but the 2 above and 6 above do cancel each other The I Ching as it is cancels out 50 percent of it but with just one flip all Hexagrams are cancelled out. Who Knew and what might it mean. 

Look to the bottom image which is the lines of the whole I Ching......the middle image is the right hand side of the I Ching flipped over and the top is just the left hand side as it comes. There really is nothing to The I Ching is there. See below the 0 - 1 system 0 being a broken line 1 being a solid line much easier to see how they cancel each other out. Are we creating a void of nothingness as we move towards the CCC from GGG and the Mother of all voids.  Enjoy your thinking. X 

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