Thursday 14 January 2021

DNA Codons and Chichen Itzu Through The Crystals of The I Ching and DNA Codons

 Isn’t it amazing to wonder if the people of Chichen Itzu knew about DNA........we see below the Serpent steps a Chichen Itzu were light runs up one side of the steps and then back down the other side at certain times of the year. The Serpent looks remarkably like a crystal of DNA I am showing below the workings of the 6/6 - 2/2 Crystal because it is the easiest to work with.

The steps above so like the crystal below....

This image shows us how to make a crystal starting at the bottom with GGG and working your way up the last two letters of a codon fit above and remain the same but the first letter is moved clockwise around the box shown above and G then becomes A as the next letter around the box. ...and so it goes on all the way to the 12 codon when the 13th would merely start again at GGG. You know you have gone wrong if this is not the case. 12 codons per crystal.  We see that there are 9 of each element used to make the crystal. In this 6/6 crystal the number 2 dominates followed a close second by number 6 there are no number 1’s or 9’s in this crystal. The nine star ki numbers run up one side and the DNA letters can easily be worked out from their colour. 

If we set this crystal’s nine star ki up as dominoes then 7 would become 4 and 8 would become 3. We have four letters to choose from to make a three letter codon.....4 x 4 x 4 = 64 codons can be made in all. 

The game Soloman’s Temple is made up of 9 x 4 elements that mean you can read all 64 codons in this little map of 36 triangles. So any one of the crystals can recreate a mix that shows all 64 codons of DNA like the example below...

So The Crystals once again show how useful they are in working out patterns in DNA Codons. 

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