Tuesday 19 January 2021

The Energy of Nine star ki Jigsaws


South Easterly Angles 

North Westerly Angles 

South Westerly Angles 

North Easterly Angles

The direction your piece of the jigsaw takes for your nine star ki is shown above ....when 1 is the focus number 1 is in the north and its jigsaw piece takes on a South Easterly angle......in-fact if you take the nine star ki number in its position when 5 is at the centre they will all take on the directions of the next element along that they support....so one water supports 3 and 4 tree/air energy hence it takes a south easterly direction. & 7 in the west supports 6 North West and 1 North hence its North Westerly direction .... I guess most energy is supportive........its when you are not in your usual position that things can change for example 1 in the 9 south position pushes down North and out to the West.....the opposite position creates the opposite push on the jigsaw piece. X

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