Friday 8 January 2021

The Umbrella as DNA in Both The Crystals and DNA Strings - January, 2021

 This is the map for January, 2021 which is 7/6 GGT

This is how The Umbrella can act as a Hexagram pattern the GGT codons to the front is reflected diagonally across as in the above image. This image is how DNA Crystals would look G does not change only T or A would swop to their opposite.

This version is how an actual DNA Codon or Hexagram would look G has become C in its opposite position and T has become A. We know now that one side of a crystal flips over to produce the correct letters so although a crystal is set up as the top image is it would be flipped on one side to create the actual DNA Codons as shown below. Enjoy your thinking. X 

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