Friday 8 January 2021

I Ching Music and the Shape Changes of AGT to GGT and TGT

 Here we look at AGT 7/4 as it can be both raised and lowered by half a note which then changes the way it works in the world.

The original AGT works from the 2nd, 7th and 9th houses and when adapted by raising the note to 7/6 GGT it changes to working on houses 1, 7 and 9.......if it lowers the tone by half a note it works from houses 3, 7 and 9. So the first and 3rd house now come into play.

House all about the self the impression we make on other people.

House 2... Is all about self esteem. Your possessions and  finances. 

House 3... is all about communications, collecting your thoughts, siblings and early environment. 

House 7... is all about relationships with others, partnerships, lawyers, contracts and how you see others. 

House 9... is all about the in laws, religion, higher education, publishing and your personal belief system. 

So the original Magician shape can increase by half a tone and instead of self worth you learn to communicate better.......if you reduce by half a tone instead of self worth and possessions your focus is better served looking at who you are and how others see you or how you project yourself in the world. 

Interestingly the changes all come in the first portion of the chart which is about our own self awareness. So can we adapt and learnn more about ourselves and our place in the world by raising or lowering our tone by half a note. X 

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