Tuesday 5 January 2021

Nine Star Ki and The Crystals with Dominoes

 Shown above is the collection of dominoes from zero to six. They connect very well with the numbers of Nine Star Ki. 

        1    2    3    4


        9    6    8    7

In Nine Star Ki 1 and 9 can be the same but different as can 2 and 6, 3 and 8, 4 and 7 and then 5 is left unused. 

If we look at the Nine star Ki of the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal we see the same numbers repeating ...... the numbers shown appear in the crystal and the ones turned over and clear are because they already appear in the numbers that are shown. 

The only ones we can see are 1/1 ... 4/1 ... 1/3 ...all the others are turned over as they become those same numbers. .....and of course 1/1 - 1/4 - 3/1. 

The crystal starts at 9/9 which is too high for dominoes so we replace it with 1/1...then 4/1 appears ... then 7/9 which needs amendment to 4/1 which already appears...9/1 also becomes 1/1...1/3 then appears as it is... 9/8 needs amendment to 1/3 which appears... 1/1 already appears...3/9 becomes 3/1 which appears ...8/1 becomes 3/1 which appears...1/9 appears as 1/1 ...9/4 appears as 1/4...and finally 1/7 appears as 1/4.

So twelve nine star ki numbers but with dominoes only three actually get used. The I Ching crystals are certainly more alike than they first appear. X 

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