Sunday 10 January 2021

The Crystals of The I Ching Hexagrams as DNA


There are six crystals in The I Ching Hexagrams 3 singles 1 double and a smaller diamond shape. We are looking at the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal here.

Here we see the positions in the crystal of the DNA Codon the Nine Star Ki the Hexagrams the Amino Acid and whether its hydrophobic, hydrophilic or neutral.

Here we see the Crystal on a hymn board in church showing the DNA codons and their positions in the Crystal.

This image shows that the right hand side of the Hymn board has been flipped over and now the Crystal letters have become the correct letters for a DNA Codon. 

The Crystals exist without a doubt because they are the way to work out the 6 crystals and place the 64 codons in the correct crystals but not until we flip over one side like a fuse box do we see the letters match each other they way they should for DNA pairings. 

This could well be an area were errors occur in DNA pairings.........also as we know there are 8 alerts in the crystals were they do not conform to all of the standards required only some of them and only by swopping and partnering with another codon that does not conform can they become acceptable. When the flip of one side of the crystal occurs it solves the problem of the alerts and all of the DNA Codons match each other perfectly. Even thinking about these patterns can addle your brain and you cannot think straight for a while so imagine if you worked at the DNA plant on these patterns all day you would go onto automatic pilot and forget the odd thing or get confused or simply addled......this in turn can lead to the errors occurring for many mutations that lead to health problems. . . And thats before we start looking at RNA too...........its a minefield of information. Then I consider our DNA circuits must be better than the best computers and when I google something and it comes up in all its forms within seconds our bodies must have that kid of equipment too so thankfully don’t make that many errors unless we are in a deep stress situation or let anxiety rule us......than mistakes can be made as our equipment is not working at its best. Usually the mutations we suffer from most are the ones we are born with and that will soon be history if CRISPR gets going. Enjoy your thinking. . . . , , And next time you say someone has flipped be aware that they may well be affecting their own DNA mutations. Now we are all singing from the same hymn sheet X 

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