Sunday 17 January 2021

Soloman’s Temple of Triangles - DNA Crystals in Triangles - DNA 64 Codons in Triangles

Plato says triangles are the basic building blocks of life because they are the most stable forms. I have to say I would agree as I have tried all different shapes having started with the circle of astrology but always end up coming back to triangles. . . The Holy Trinity. 

Here we have an example of the four colours, elements or letters of DNA Codons........from each of the colours above take 9 of each colour pointing in the required direction (not 9 of each triangle) you can make up a DNA Crystal with 9 x 4 = 36 triangles containing within it all 64 codons of per the example below....

The shape can be made up with the triangles pointing North/South or East/West.....I prefer North South as a molecule likes to orientate to the North. DNA Crystals can also be made up from 36 triangles 9 of each of the four elements. 

Above we see the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal...The Game Solomon's Temple consists of these 36 pieces and can create many variations on a theme...4 x 9 triangles ...

The Game can build Hexagonal stacks of DNA Codons in matching pairs....

We have another example of the 36 triangles that make up all 64 codons but in this particular pattern there are only 8 Blue Water triangles...9 Green Earth triangles...10 Yellow Air/Tree triangles and 9 Orange Fire triangles. This is why in the game I put 12 of each of the letters as sometimes you can still make the game even though the balance of elements is not perfect. It stills reads all 64 codons but in a less harmonious way. Also when using the triangles to form three letter codons in an astrology chart you need the extra triangles to complete the chart. So enjoy the many variations on a Theme of DNA Codons. 

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