Monday 16 September 2024

Another Look at a Couple of Alternators and how they might function

 Lets take a peak at two of the riches men in the worlds main aspect shape….

The Alternator……..

Directions are not clear as I do not know the time of birth………Pluto sextile to Neptune is often called a generalised aspect but I don’t feel it is …….maybe its a way of being……..both have Pluto sextile to Neptune but in different signs, they will seek order out of chaos and be people who seek to uncover illusions and deepen societies idea by seeing them as they really are, the illusion is under control. They seek compassion and understanding for everybody as they have a shared sense of destiny with all in life. Human potential inspires them. So yes it does seem likely this part of the Alternator is for the benefit of others. They are spiritual warriors speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves. 

Note they both have a conjunction at one angle Pluto conjunct Mars and Jupiter conjunct Neptune…. That conjunction will no doubt doubly strengthen the qualities it presents. One has Moon opposite to Pluto Mars and this will create a resilience and once they have their emotions under control they can achieve a great deal ….. watch out for those explosive emotions too, stay calm. Neptune will help with that as you can create a deep emotional connection to your partner. 

The other Alternator has its trine between Pluto and Saturn …confident, staying in control, fake it till you make it to cover those feelings of am I enough because clearly you are. Leadership and hard work come naturally to you. Saturn opposition to Jupiter & Neptune……..think big, dare to dream and your organised mind can achieve almost anything. 

The Pluto sextile to Neptune could well mean that society itself is better at thinking of other people worse off than themselves and it occurs in the last century as it created people with more awareness of fairness in the world. So many philanthropists sadly they are needed. A world when they are not required is what we are all aiming for. 

This aspect is for The Pioneer…..unafraid to challenge things you feel are wrong. You can focus on things, then deconstruct them and put them back together altered for the better. You avoid bias and judgement breaking them down until you can understand them better. Inspired by human potential at all times. A shared happy life on Earth and perhaps beyond. You need to be organised to function at your best. You will want to bring people together not through religion, race, sexuality etc., but as a means of realisation that we are as one in a spiritual way. One superconscious operating as a shared mass movement can bring about change to the welfare of all human beings. Seeing that we can evolve in a world of change that means we can survive and live in a world free from the fear of our own extinction. Now that does not sound like a general aspect to me and thank the Lord that so many in the last century were born with this aspect and long may they continue to use it. X  

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