Saturday 14 September 2024

Astrology Charts and their Dynamic Triangular Shapes - An Alternator

Working with only full triangular aspects in your birth chart take one triangle and see what information you can glean from it.

This pattern creates The Alternator shape working or resting, not much in the way of play, so the best way to combat that is to enjoy the work you do but remember to take a rest from time to time. Perhaps all that powerful energy is exhausting so rest is essential to recharge the batteries. 

Pluto Trine to Mars - (This is the widest aspect measurement of the trio at 114.04”) A surge of energy so your goals can be achieved. Ambitious to achieve your desires whilst remaining harmonious throughout. This is a non threatening approach and encourages the help you need from others. If you are in a position of power where you can initiate changes e.g. on a project at work, you will have a strong will to succeed. Be courageous about that next step and confident enough to take it. You have charisma and sex appeal and will fight for your causes. You have some mystical prophetic ideas. Strong, confident and sexy, with many desires to fulfil your wishes and sex appeal is part of your attraction.  Big projects so don't let that put you off, dream big and act on it. You can achieve significant transformations in your life and the world around you. 

Jupiter sextile pluto - (64.53”) expansion of energy to achieve those goals. You don't have to force it or react. Your increased powers will see you through, you have power and influence for spiritual growth, personal growth, wealth creation and advancement. Powerful forces work behind the scenes to promote you to a higher level. A good soul continually evolving that wants to contribute to society. A wide interest in career choices. Popular and admired for your example to others, honest and generous, rarely acting in a selfish manner. You can make a big difference in the lives of others and have big opportunities for self transformation. Evolve and expand at soul level outgrow your old ways, constantly renewing yourself. Just as Pluto likes to see. 

Opposition Jupiter to Mars -  (180.33”) A strong very tight aspect. Assertive and direct but in a non threatening way, if provoked of course that could be another matter as you wont back down without good cause. Sexual energy and adrenaline rushes feel similar here hence their attraction. Well meaning and healing towards other people. Can make significant changes in your own and others lives. 

Jupiter is about expansion, Pluto about transformation and Mars giving you the energy to get the job done. No doubt there are more negatives I could attach but in my La Vie en Rose world who needs it. I will say one thing though with all this powerful energy around you I suggest you use it or lose it, or even worse it could be used against you. 

So one of my four dynamic triangular shapes at birth. You can always learn something when you examine yourself more closely. Enjoy your thinking, you don’t need to have Jupiter in Gemini to do so. X 

It also creates the DNA Codon TTG Leo to Sag to Gemini……..8/6 Nine Star Ki amino acid Leucine, Hexagram 33, W/E direction, belongs to the 6/6 crystal, makes musical notes C E A# planets Saturn and Venus association, more things to look up and find out more about yourself. X 

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