Sunday 15 September 2024

Astrology Charts and their Dynamic Triangular Shapes - A Magician


Here we see another full triangular aspect shape that appears in my birth chart called The Magician. 60* x 150* x 150* It does create a true Magician in DNA Codons.

Pluto on AC in Leo (151’26”) Quincunx to Sun in Pisces …this aspect may mean you will be forced to focus over and over again so you observe all the details, learn to be patient, you don’t want to get stuck in repetitive patterns but you don’t want to miss any details. You will grow in ways you can barely conceive and need to stay grounded. On the ascendant how you present yourself will be important to you, that Pisces Sun knows how to fake it till you make it and your appearance will be a part of that. Get comfortable in your own skin and you will achieve much.

Pluto Leo AC Sextile to Neptune ( 62’35”) - you may seek to uncover illusions as you can see through things as they really are not as they may present themselves. Compassion and acceptance go hand in hand.Learning to communication your needs will be helpful. 

Sun Quincunx Neptune (149’11”) You may be unrealistic in your ways of thinking and need to get others involved in your plans so you can ground them. If others lack vision and won’t help with your plans you may end up feeling like you have to do everything. So make sure you communicate clearly. 

There is so much you can achieve if you look and feel the part, communicate well and you can transform your life and attract wealth and prosperity beyond your wildest dreams. There really is a Magician at work here. X

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