Friday 13 September 2024

The I Ching expansion of the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal


Here we see the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal and its 12 DNA Codons……..we have looked at how crystals are created before but this 1/1 - 9/9 crystal is now drawn above in I Ching Lines. I found out recently that the two middle lines shown in red can create the partner codon by swopping Jin for Jang and Jang for Jin. It seems like such a simple way to do it but for me you have to create a crystal to see so much more than its partner. 

We see above the pairings horizontally so top and bottom are the only vertical pairing so lets start with them…..

1/1 - 9/9 CGC/GCG - 1/1 Hex 29 pairs with Hex 30 9/9 and if we change their centre lines we create Hex 28 4/7 and 27 3/8…………so now we have a connection between Hexagrams 27,28,29 and 30. Which will give us a deeper insight into those Hexagrams. 

Top pairing GCT 3/9 Hex 21 and ACG 9/3 Hex 22 also show pairings but only with themselves so I suggest this reading of the Hexagrams is a stronger picture with less distraction and truly bound pairing. 

Second row CTA 8/1 Hex 39 and TAC 1/3 Hex 40 show pairings with Hex 45 2/7 TTC and Hex 46 4/2 CAA so a more detailed read into these four hexagrams connections. 

Third Line TAT 1/9 Hex 64 and ATA 9/1 Hex 63 connect to Hexagram 18 4/8 CAG and Hex 17 3/7 GTC so again a more detailed reading for these hexagram connections. 

Fourth Line ATG 9/4 Hex 37 and GAT 7/9 Hex 38 connect to Hexagrams 25 3/6 GTT and Hex 26 6/8 AAG a more detailed reading here also. 

Finally line five TGC 1/7 Hex 47 and CGA 4/1 Hex 48 this is a pairing that only pairs with itself. 

So Hex 47 and 48 only pair with themselves as do Hexagrams 21 and 22.

All other pairs of Hexagrams create another pair by changing these middle lines. 

All numbers 1 to 9 appear within this expanded version of the Hexagrams. 12 of the codons create the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal but by this form of expansion we contact the double crystal, the diamond crystal and the 8/4 crystal………..yet none of the codons appear in the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal they rarely seem to connect to each other. 

So here we change 12 codons into 20 codons so when your Hexagram comes up …..e.g. 47 you can read 48 also as a potential step for the future.

For some we have now got the Now from your Hexagram potential futures in the partner and now another two ways to look more closely at ourselves. 

So many times in the Bible it tells us we need to know ourselves……..and the I Ching tells us until we know who we are we cannot help of guide others properly……….so take a closer look at yourself today and move closer to be woke enough to help others. 

So the two middle red lines need to be changed from Jin to Jang to create the new Hexagrams. Enjoy your thinking. X 

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