Saturday 21 September 2024

Midpoints from the Aspect Shapes in your Birthchart


This image show the Aspect figure in my chart of The Magician. Pluto is inconjunct the Sun and the Sun is then inconjunct Neptune which in turn is sextile to Pluto. Making the shape The Magician. Aiming for the apex in the 8th house Pisces is the goal for this shape making the Sun the most important part of this aspect shape. If we create midpoint positions for these 3 planets we get 8* Gemini - 24* Virgo and 9* of Capricorn. So we have formed an extra triangle to work with. Gemini to Virgo and Virgo to Capricorn both create aspect lines called enlightenment and learning to be  creative, artistic etc., the aspect from Capricorn to Gemini is a inconjunction all about storing data and passing it on so perhaps this aspect is about being creative and artistic in life which in turn will strengthen my self esteem/personal belongings in the 2nd house and if I can be more confident in myself (AC) and confident in my communications (3rd) the midpoint in Virgo will grow my sense of self in order for me to charge up the apex of the original Magician shape which is to be able to attract wealth and prosperity through earnings and other peoples money and have a successful life in that regard. All of this is maintained by self worth and sense of self other aspects show my foundations are not rock solid so this aspect needs to be worked at and I can strengthen my own foundations as I go through life. Remembering that foundations that are not secure from the beginning can mean they are never rock solid. So keep working on that self esteem and all can be achieved. Knowing through a form of enlightenment just what those treasures might be in life is also the key. So work hard on your aspects and then if you make new ones from the triangles you might get another perspective on who you are. Enjoy your thinking. X 

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