Wednesday 18 September 2024

DNA Codon for September, 2024


This is the DNA Codon and aspect shape that applies to the Month of September in 2024. The Teacher is the shape here. Now most triangles in DNA Codons add up to 360* but The Teacher doesn’t and only adds up as follows ……60 + 150 + 90 = 300* in order for the shape to add up to 360* instead of the Quincunx 150* aspect in green we go all the way around the outside which gives us 60* + 210* + 90* = 360*

The 150* aspect is about the number 5 or 5 x 30* or  the cusp of Virgo the 6th sign whereas 210* aspect is more about the cusp of Scorpio or 7 x 30*.  5 & 7 repeat again like the piano keyboard, secret seven and famous five. Is this why they say that 150* is more about health, wellness and the daily energy of the workplace, all those things we associate with the order of Virgo………..and 210* is about transformation, change, desire, wealth and prosperity or potentially the end of something. 

So do we accept that The Teacher is a small triangle or do we increase the 150* to 210* to make it work. The size looks the same only the green quincunx might behave differently. 

This shape creates the DNA Codon GTC - 3/7 Nine Star Ki - creating the amino acid Valine - I Ching Hexagram 17 - sitting in the North facing South - It makes up part of the Diamond Crystal - Musically D E B are the notes - Planets Jupiter and Venus ………houses 3rd Gemini - 5th Leo - 12th Pisces…..associated with the nervous system - heart and spine - feet …….all about communications on a mundane everyday level - Creativity and fun - and deeply spiritual energies. There are lessons to be learned here but the Teacher is associated with smaller lessons think comprehensive school rather than University.. Small lessons we need to learn from.  Three is a volatile year similar to thunder and lightening short sharp bursts but soon over………lets find the calm where we can during this 3 year and hope for more calm in the next 2 year. 

Valine... hydrophobic... muscle building, repairs tissue damage, lack of it can cause damage to the nerve endings causing neurological issues, needed from foods as the body cannot produce it without, encourages normal human growth, regulates blood sugar and a lack of it can diminish mental function, four codons for Valine. 

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